Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 2,114 days ago

Agile & Beyond 2019

event starts

29 May 2019

event ends

31 May 2019


Cobo Center Detroit, Michigan, United States

Agile & Beyond started as a small technology conference in Dearborn, Michigan. The event was attended by just over 100 practitioners looking to expand their skills in delivering software and products. Over the next nine years, the conference grew out of three venues and attracted over 6,000 attendees and 500 speakers from all over the world. 

Led by a small band of grass-roots, volunteer organizers, Agile & Beyond has grown into one of the premier Software and Product development events in the country. 

finished 2,253 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Nov 2018

Call closes at 11:59 PM

11 Jan 2019

Call closes in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Please review our Code of Conduct.

As a speaker, you will receive complimentary admission to the conference, as well as the adoration of upwards of 1000 grateful attendees.

In addition, we are able this year to offer some financial assistance. 

Full Day Workshops

  • Separately ticketed events on May 29th, 2019, with 70% of Net proceeds going to the facilitator(s). Ticket prices TBD

45 and 100 Minute Sessions

  • Speakers will receive a $250 USD honorarium. Multiple accepted sessions will not increase the amount.

event fee

free for speakers