
Flutter app crashes? Firebase to the rescue!

Sometimes we as developers build the perfect application and feel safe to publish it to prod, without knowing that some features for some reasons are failing or giving the wrong output. But how do we make sure that we are aware of these crashes before our users use our apps? How do we know the extent of the crashes experienced by the users? How do we know exactly where these issues come from especially in our codebase so we can fix them?
In this session, I’ll show you how adding Crashlytics to your Flutter app can help you: get crash reports, identify devices that are crashing, track both fatal and non-fatal crashes, prioritize issues and fix them.
As a takeaway, you’ll have a deeper understanding of Flutter’s Fatal vs Non-fatal errors, Crash Reporting with Firebase, Logs, Custom Keys and Crash Insights.

Kendi J

Flutter Developer

Nairobi, Kenya


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