
Tearing down & exploring - RsJS

RxJS has grown into popularity in the recent years. There are a lot of resources to get started with RxJS. This coupled with the fact that the library exposes very clear set of API’s, its extremely easy to start writing with observables. This talk digs deep into the concepts of RxJS, by building it.

Just like JS itself, it’s extreemly easy to get started with RxJS. Having being included as a core library in Angular means that for some of us, it’s even necessary to get started with it. As the library exposes very clear-to-understand API, it’s eaven more easier to somehow just get things going and not bother about it. This has never been a good idea. This talk focuses on explaining the core building blocks by building it from scratch. This also helps in reinforcing why certain things happen the way they happen, like why observables are lazy in nature. It then goes in to explore concepts like how data flows along the chain of operators, Hot & Cold Observables, Higher Order Observables etc.

Sample Deck -

This talk starts off with going over some basic concepts of reactive style of programming and then quickly jumps into much more intermediate/advanced level topics. It talks about how observables, operators etc are just sets of functions and how we can build them from scratch easily. It helps enforce one of the core and central idea of observables that observables are lazy in nature, by explaining the architecture that supports it. We then move on to distinguishing design patterns and how the data should be handled. With supporting demo, we then explore the concept of Hot&Cold Observables and higher order observables.

Finally, to show all these concepts in action a multiplayer demo is shown with the code.

Mayank Raj

Lead Engineer, Security @ Salesforce

Mumbai, India


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