
Find me near the Octocat: How we use GitHub as an all-in-one platform for OSS projects

Building a project is always challenging. But when it’s open source, you must consider every developer worldwide. From your project structure, your development environment, tools, competing products, and community accessibility, there is so much to think about when you go Open Source.

In this session, we will look at how we built an Open Source project with GitHub as the primary platform, using tools such as GitHub Projects, GitHub Actions, Github pages, Codespaces, and Mergify. Additionally, we’ll look at Github’s state as a developer platform and some mature projects we can learn from, such as OpenTelemetry and Kubernetes.

By the end of this session, you will have a grasp of the following concepts:

- How to build an Open Source project on GitHub
- Introduction to Github’s most popular tools
- Best practices for working with Open Source communities on Github

Tav Herzlich

Software engineer at Outshift by Cisco

Tel Aviv, Israel


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