
Ansgar Brauner

Ansgar Brauner

Software Architect Fulfillment

Software Architekt Fulfillment

Ansgar Brauner works at REWE Digital as Software Architect, taking care of the Domain Fulfillment. After working at Zalando he started at REWE Digital in 2014 to help one of Europe’s biggest food retailers building the leading food eCommerce platform in Europe. Beside enabling 15 teams to work autonomously he helps the product owners to not neglect the technical view. Ansgar leads the Java User Group Dortmund is a speaker at international software development conferences like JavaOne, Devnexus, JPrime and Javaland and likes playing around with Microcontrollers.

Ansgar Brauner arbeitet bei der REWE Digital als Software Architect und betreut die Domäne Fulfillment. Nach seiner Zeit bei Zalando fing er 2014 bei der REWE Digital an um einem von Europas größten Lebensmittelhändlern zu helfen die führende Plattform für den Lebensmitteleinzelhandel aufzubauen. Er hilft 15 Teams möglichst autonom zu arbeiten und und unterstützt die Product Owner dabei technische Aspekte nicht zu vernachlässigen. Ansgar leitet die Java User Group Dortmund und ist sprecher auf internationalen Konferenzen wie der Devnexus, JPrime, JavaOne und dem Javaland außerdem spielt er gerne mit Microcontrollern im IoT.

A competitive food retail architecture with microservices

Two years ago we started refactoring a monolithic shop into an e-commerce microservice platform. By now we’ve grown to 150 developers. In this talk we want to share our journey and the lessons we’ve learned the hard way.
After agreeing on a few terms about microservices we want to provide some answers to problems we ran into:

- What kind of organizational structure do you need to reflect the vertical boundaries in software while growing fast?
- How do you define bounded contexts with many teams and features? Are there ways to guide your teams and enable autonomy on all levels in your organization?
- Can you enable your teams to develop and deploy independently all the way to production?
- How does asynchronous communication with Apache Kafka change the way you think about your entities?
- How can multiple microservices contribute to the same pages? (And why you might have to implement this twice...)

As you see we will share our interpretation of a micro service architecture where developers stay in the driver’s seat and have a fair degree of independence and participation.

Eventing mit Apache Kafka - haben ist besser als brauchen

Bei dem Aufbau unserer Microservice-Architektur stellten wir uns bald die Frage wie Services an die benötigten Daten kommen ohne mit unendlich vielen API Calls das Tor zur Abhängigkeitshölle zu öffnen. Fakt ist: Daten zu haben ist besser als sie zu benötigen.
Also entschieden wir uns dazu die Daten redundant vorzuhalten. Um 40 Teams maximale Autonomie zu ermöglichen, setzen wir auf “Eventing” und Apache Kafka um Abhängigkeiten zur Anfragezeit zu minimieren. In diesem Talk wollen wir die Prinzipien und Grundbegriffe erklären und anhand von Sourcecode Beispielen vorführen wie unsere Teams Apache Kafka zur asynchronen Kommunikation einsetzen. Wir zeigen anhand einfacher Producer und Consumer wie Domain-Events publiziert und konsumiert werden, auf welche Dinge Entwickler dabei achten sollten und wo wir die Grenzen dieses Ansatzes sehen.

Introduce kids to STEAM and reduce the gender gap

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) is what our society needs to focus on if it wants to be competitive in the future. But in order to succeed with that, it also needs to let kids discover the best career for them without any negative influence from gender stereotypes. This session presents our journey to the first Hackdays4Girls, a one day event we organized in our company to engage girls into coding in a fun and easy way. We will guide you through several hands-on activities using Scratch and the microcontroller boards Calliope and BBC Micro:bit, as well as some other ways to encourage kids to get into technology. Our aim is to let others know how easy it is to organize such an event and bring advice for those planning it.


Eventing mit Apache Kafka: Haben ist besser als Brauchen

March 2018 Brühl, Germany


Eventing with Apache Kafka

February 2018 Atlanta, Georgia, United States

JUG Saxony Day

October 2017 Radebeul, Germany


A Competitive Food Retail Architecture with Microservices

October 2017 San Francisco, California, United States


Competitive food retail architecture with microservices

May 2017 Sofia, Bulgaria

Ansgar Brauner

Software Architect Fulfillment

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