
Mark Rendle

Mark Rendle

Chief Everything Officer

Guildford, United Kingdom


Mark is the founder of RendleLabs, which provides consulting services and workshops to .NET development teams across all industries. His particular obsessions are API design and development, performance, Observability and code-base modernisation. He also uses skills acquired during a few years as a professional stand-up comic to deliver entertaining and informative talks at conferences around the world, and recently learned to play bass so he could join tech parody band The LineBreakers.

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology


  • .NET
  • Observability and performance
  • ASP.NET Core Web API
  • API Design
  • Migration and Modernization

The Worst Programming Language Ever

There's something good you can say about every programming language. But that's no fun. Instead, let's take the worst features of all the languages we know, and put them together to create an abomination with the worst syntax, the worst semantics, the worst foot-guns and the worst runtime behaviour in recorded history. Let's make a language so bad it would make people run screaming to Visual Basic for Applications.

How JavaScript Happened: A Short History of Programming Languages

JavaScript was famously created in 10 days as a proof-of-concept for Netscape Navigator 2.0. Today it is one of the most-used languages in the world. Some people even like it. In this talk we will chart the path from the dark days before programming languages, through the ups and downs of the early pioneers, all the way to 1995 and the creation of JavaScript.

We will meet the giants on whose shoulders Brendan Eich stood, and speculate about what they might think of modern JavaScript. You will learn interesting things about language design (good and bad), computer internals (weird), and committees (just bad). You’ll see FizzBuzz implemented at least a dozen times. It’ll be fun.

Mark Rendle

Chief Everything Officer

Guildford, United Kingdom


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