Data.SQL.Saturday.LA is a free training event for Microsoft Data Platform professionals and those wanting to learn about Public Clouds, Data Platforms, SQL and No-SQL Databases, Business Intelligence and Analytics.
2021 Data.SQL.Saturday.LA -
2020 SQL Saturday in Los Angeles -
2019 SQL Saturday in Los Angeles -
2018 SQL Saturday in Los Angeles -
2017 SQL Saturday in Los Angeles -
This event is organized by a Data Driven Technologies, Inc 501.c.3 non-profit.
Length: 60 minutes
Topics: Any data-related topic or non-technical
Session Info: Write a full description of what this session will be, what the audience will learn, and what pre-requisites are expected
No. of sessions per speaker: 5 submissions max
Difficulty level: you are submitting more than 1 session, please have a session for different levels.
Examples for data topics:
RDBMS: SQL Server/PostgreSQL/MySQL/DB2/Oracle/MariaDB
NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Couchbase
Data Visualization: Power BI/Tableau/Qlik
Infrastructure: DBA/DevOps on Private, Hybrid, Public Clouds: Microsoft Azure / Amazon AWS / Google GCP / IBM SoftLayer
Development: Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, Database Development, Data Engineering
Data Science: Python/R, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning
Examples of Non-technical: Women in Tech, Personal Branding, Job Hunting, Building your Own Tech Company, Mental Health, Careers in Tech