Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 314 days ago

2024 Microsoft 365 Conference

event starts

28 Apr 2024

event ends

3 May 2024


Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Orlando, Florida, United States


The Microsoft 365 Conference has become one of the most important in-person gatherings of the Microsoft community anywhere on Earth. We invite you to submit your original, world-class content for a chance to share with our committed community.

The main conference takes place April 30 to May 2, 2024, in Orlando, Florida with two pre-conference workshop days on April 28 and 29 and one post-conference workshop day on May 3.

The Microsoft 365 Conference comprises three audiences: the developers who build solutions, the IT pros who manage and integrate solutions, and the employees, lines of business, and consultants who use solutions. 

Our goal is to connect the community of expert solution providers with an extensive and growing community searching to discover the best solutions for their technical business challenges. You increase your chances of selection by showing high value to any or all of these cohorts.

This year’s event is focusing on the critical transition toward an AI-powered workplace and we're looking to you to propose topics that forge the balance between remote, virtual, mobile, and in-person workforces in the world of AI-enabled business productivity.

We continue to feature the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, ensuring the inclusion of new products like the various Microsoft Copilot experiences, Microsoft Entra, Azure Open AI services, and the new Microsoft Viva tools, to name a few. We ask that your proposals include best and proven practices, clever innovations, tips, and tricks, and represent the modern, up-to-date Microsoft cloud, including Azure, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Viva, and the Power Platform.

The best session proposals smartly and succinctly inspire our audience to respond to the needs of today's and tomorrow's workforce using "the world's computer". The best submissions will explain how the various products and services in the Microsoft cloud are better together. Consider how AI, employee experience, automation, modern collaboration, hybrid meetings, and development platforms can intertwine to provide the most real-world value.

CfS details
This call for speakers is open now and will close end of day (US PST) on November 24, 2023. We are only looking for new content and not repeat sessions or workshops. You will hear back on your submission (either way) by mid-December 2023. Please be prepared to update your submission upon request following the Microsoft Ignite conference in November if new features and announcements affect your proposal.

We welcome international submissions as well as those based in the US. Note that compensation for selected speakers is the same regardless of where they come from.

When completing the submission form, you'll notice the Internal short name and Internal summary fields, which are visible only to conference organizers and are included to aid the selection committee. When completing these fields, use them to pitch your session in a succinct and clear way.

Each selected speaker is entitled to the standard compensation outlined below. To qualify for the standard compensation, each speaker is required to present a minimum of:

  • Two 60-minute sessions;
  • One all-day workshop; or
  • A combination of 1 and 2.

Standard compensation comprises:

  • One full conference pass;
  • Three nights hotel accommodations; and
  • Up to $500 USD airfare reimbursement.

If you are selected to present an all-day workshop, you will receive an additional $50 per paid registrant of the workshop.

  • Important notes:
    You increase your chances of receiving the full standard compensation by submitting multiple session proposals (i.e., three or more).
  • Selected speakers who do not meet the qualifications for standard compensation outlined above will receive reduced compensation (i.e., presenting one 60-minute session results in partial compensation).
  • If a session or workshop has multiple speakers, compensation will be split based on the speaker’s preference.
  • Microsoft employees do not qualify for any compensation.

Spread the news!
Please share the link with others in the community to maximize our chances of offering the best of the best to our attendees.  

finished 474 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

09 Oct 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

24 Nov 2023

Call closes in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Please complete all information in this form. If you have an existing Sessionize account, confirm or update your personal bio, company, title, and photo. If selected, the title and description (i.e., abstract) will be posted on the event's public website. The Internal short name and Internal summary is only visible to the conference organizers and content reviewers to help them understand your session in very few words.

Expenses coverage
Speakers who present a minimum of two 60-minute sessions or one full-day workshop are entitled to standard compensation as outlined in more detail in the event listing on this page (standard compensation summary: one full conference pass, three nights hotel accommodations, and up to $500 USD airfare reimbursement). Contact the content manager for details. 


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Speakers who present a minimum of 2 sessions or 1 full day workshop are entitled to standard compensation as outlined in more detail in the event listing on this page (summary: 1 full conference pass, 3 nights hotel accommodations, and up to $500 USD airfare reimbursement). Contact the content manager for details.