Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
in 158 days

2025 Technical Training Seminars

event starts

1 Jan 2025

event ends

31 Jan 2025



Live! 360 Events 2025 Technical Training Seminars

Live! 360® Technical Seminars are for Enterprise Developers, IT Implementors, IT Decision Makers, IT Security Teams, and Data Professionals looking to explore both current and leading-edge technologies, and to broaden their horizons on what lies ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Our Live! 360 training seminars are in-person, virtual, or both, and offer in-depth hands-on experience and learning over 2 or 4-days.

finished 11 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

22 Apr 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Jul 2024

Call closes in Central Daylight Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We invite you to submit 2-day & 4-day hands-on workshops in all of these categories, or propose a topic you believe needs to be covered in 2025 and beyond.

Specific topics we are looking to cover:

  • Preparing for, using & managing Java 22
  • Low-code/no-code and Power Apps
  • MS Teams management, provisioning, buying, licensing
  • All things LLM (Mistral vs. Cohere vs. Meta vs. OpenAI vs. everything else)
  • Tour of Cloud AI Platforms (Google, AWS, Azure)
  • Data cleansing/data management for AI adoption
  • Tour of Desktop App Options (Blazor, XAML, .NET MAUI, etc.)
  • Comprehensive Tour of Microsoft Fabric
  • AI & Security: AI-Driven Attacks + AI-Powered Defenses
  • Migrating to Azure VD from Citrix & VMware
  • Comprehensive Tour of VS Copilot
  • Developing w/ accessibility & sustainability in mind
  • These 4 topics are fairly similar; can be a series of 1-Day HOLs for a 4-day event:

                - Red Teaming

                - Chaos Engineering

                - Stress Testing

                - End User Testing Techniques

Broad Topic Categories:

  • Modern Software Engineering
  • Cloud Computing
  • Database and Analytics
  • Developing for Mobile, Desktop, and Native Clients
  • Visual Studio / .NET
  • Web Client
  • Web Server
  • Microsoft Fabric
  • Power BI
  • Python
  • Large Language Model Technology (OpenAI, Azure Open AI, Amazon Bedrock, etc.)
  • Generative AI and RAG Toolchain
  • Copilot Development
  • Intelligent Applications
  • Machine Learning Algorithms and Libraries
  • Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)
  • Production ML and MLOps
  • Data Visualization
  • Cloud ML Platforms
  • Tools and Platforms
  • Programming
  • ML and Spark
  • Blockchain
  • Quantum Computing
  • Edge Computing
  • GPU Technology
  • Ransomware
  • PowerShell and DevOps
  • Classic Infrastructure
  • Security for IT Pros
  • Digital Trust
  • Cutting Edge AI
  • Azure (Public/Hybrid)
  • Office / Microsoft 365 for the IT Pro
  • Cloud-Native Software Development
  • Power Platform
  • Microosft365

Submission Guidelines

Please include the following information with your submission (failure to supply all requested information may limit opportunities for selection):

  • Speaker's Name
  • Speaker's Title
  • Speaker's Company
  • Title of Presentation
  • 300-word Description of Hands-on Workshop
  • 3-5 Bullets, explaining what the attendee will learn from presentation (learning objectives)
  • Speaker's Color Photo (hi-resolution)
  • Speaker's Bio, including previous conference speaking/presentation experience

Speakers chosen to present a Live! 360 Events Training Seminar will receive a speaker fee as well as a stipend for travel costs and incidentals (if the seminar is in-person).


expenses covered


expenses covered

Speakers chosen to present a Live! 360 Events Training Seminar will receive a speaker fee as well as a stipend for travel costs and incidentals (if the seminar is in-person).