Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 779 days ago

IoT Innovatech Latam & Caribbean 2022

event starts

6 Jun 2022

event ends

9 Jun 2022


Puerto Rico Convention Center San Juan, Puerto Rico

IoT Innovatech Latam & Caribbean

IoT Innovatech Latam & Caribbean (IOTLAC) is the most comprehensive event dedicated to developing Industry 4.0 and pushing the enterprise digital transformation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Our primary purpose is to support Latin American and Caribbean businesses to achieve better levels of competitiveness and resilience through emerging technologies driving the Enterprise Digital Transformation.

For this reason, every year, we bring together tech professionals and business leaders willing to share their ideas, vision, and expertise. People who are committed with the purpose of educating, guiding, and inspiring others to act, helping them keep pushing forward and thrive through their journey.

Since 2019, we've brought together 4,000+ attendees representing 22 industries from 29 countries.

In our 3° edition, IOTLAC22 will take place from June 6-9, 2022, as an in-person experience from Puerto Rico followed by an online program.

Theme, Tracks and Topics

This year's theme is Recovering, Rebuilding and Reinventing our Businesses and Societies, supported by four main tracks: Connectivity, Industry X, Enterprise AI and Society & Governments. You can review these here >

finished 882 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

15 Nov 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

25 Feb 2022

Call closes in Pacific SA Daylight Time (UTC-03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Call for Speakers 2022

Who may participate?

We are looking for people with real-world experience who wish to be part of this, passionate about sharing, inspiring, and connecting with others. People that can share insights and knowledge that attendees can't find anywhere else.

We will prioritize the participation of end-user professionals. End-users are companies and organizations that are implementing tech solutions and services across their value chain.

We look for people from Agriculture, Aviation/Aerospace, Buildings & Infrastructure, Construction, Defense & Security, Finance, Government, Healthcare & Pharma, Manufacturing, Metals & Mining, Public Safety & Emergency Services, Retail & eCommerce, Supply Chain & Logistics, Telecommunications, Transportation and Utilities.

An idea of what our audience is looking for

Lessons learnt, best practices, how to's, tips and hacks, real stories of failure and success (in that order), actionable guidelines and roadmaps, original research and deep analysis, to name a few. However, keep in mind that it has to be based on real-world situations and examples.

We and the audience most welcome real use/ business cases. Especially those presented by actual end-users. The best cases are those that provide real metrics and business outcomes besides the lessons learnt and best practices.

If you represent a tech solution provider, system integrator, or similar and submit a use/business case, we strongly suggest co-presenting it with your customer. If the business case involves another partner, you can also submit the proposal as a fireside chat session.

We don't give time for promotional pitches, theoretical presentations or repeated sessions.

The official language of IOTLAC22 is English. Therefore, every submission must be done in English, as well as the presentation.

Session Formats


  • Use/Business Case | 25 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Presentation/Co-presentation | 20 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Host a Fireside Chat | 25 minutes of presentation + 15 minutes for Q&A.


  • Use/Business Case | 20 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Presentation/Co-presentation | 15 minutes of presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A.
  • Host a Fireside Chat | 15 minutes of presentation + 15 minutes for Q&A.

What should include in the description?

This description must be a summary of your presentation and/or use/business case to be presented. It must address:

  • Problem/ Challenge to be solved
  • Technology, products and services used
  • Other vendors that have collaborated
  • Expected/ experienced business outcomes
  • State of implementation

    It shouldn't exceed 1.000 characters, including spaces.

Learning outcomes

All submissions must include 3 learning outcomes that the audience will obtain. What the audience will learn from you? What are they going to be able to do after your session?

Selection criteria

Actionable content over lectures. We can’t stress enough that our audience expects content based on real-world situations and examples. Commercial and sales pitches or self-referring presentations won’t be accepted.

  • The topic is timely and relevant for actual professional and business challenges.

  • Key takeaways for the target audience. Is it something they can apply once they get back to their offices?

  • Innovation level and originality of the content. New ideas, novel applications, etc. Presented in a creative and engaging way.
  • Impact on business goals and obtained outcomes. What challenges and opportunities are being addressed?

  • Knowledge and experience of the speaker(s)

The program committee may ask authors for additional information or clarification about the proposal.


  • Proposal Submission: Due February 25, 2022.
  • Selected Proposals Notification: March 2022.

Accepted Speakers and Benefits

After receiving the notification, our Content Team will contact each speaker to welcome them to our speaker community and provide more details about the next steps of the process.

In addition to the opportunity to position yourself and your company among international peers, as well as to establish an essential connection and shape critical discussions, as a selected speaker, you will receive the following perks:

  • Complimentary virtual or hybrid pass.
  • Access to all networking tools and social events.
  • Extensive event promotion and coverage on website, social media and marketing collaterals.
  • In-person selected speakers: The organization will provide 2-night hotel accommodation for international speakers. Each speaker is responsible for arranging their own travel arrangement.

Speakers Terms & Conditions

By submitting your proposal you indicate that you have read, understand and accept our terms & conditions. You can review these terms and conditions here >

Contact Us
You can always contact us at


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers