Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
in 80 days

Experts Live Netherlands 2025

event date

3 Jun 2025


NBC Congrescentrum Nieuwegein, The Netherlands


Call for Sessions: Experts Live Netherlands 3th of June 2025

Experts Live is a global IT conference network. In our continuing mission to “enable sharing of knowledge and experience about Microsoft technologies worldwide”, the 13th Experts Live Netherlands edition will take place on the 3rd of June 2025! 

Nowadays, Experts Live Netherlands has grown into an annual conference with approximately 1750+ attendees, 75+ sessions, 12 tracks and both a keynote and a closing note. 

finished 56 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 8:30 AM

28 Nov 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

17 Jan 2025

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Submission Policies

We are looking for brilliant speakers on technical topics covering AI, Microsoft 365, Azure, (Hybrid) Datacenter and Client Management, Soft Skills, User Adoption, and Security. 

Do you consider yourself an expert and want to share your knowledge on the stage of Experts Live NL? Then we cordially invite you to submit your session proposal(s).

This year we have different session formats:

  • Breakout sessions

Breakout sessions have a duration of 50 minutes, and cover level 200/ 300/ 400 content about a specific topic.

  • Workshops

Workshops span 2 breakout sessions, so 100 minutes in total, and will allow the speaker(s) to dive deep into a specific topic. For this format we prefer hands-on workshops. 

  • Demo only

Demo only have a duration of 20 minutes without any slides, which will allow the speaker to deep dive briefly on a specific technical functionality of a topic. 

Sessions which have not been delivered at other events are highly preferred.

The proposal must be submitted no later than Friday January 17th 2025. Due to the success of this event, we can accept a maximum of 2 sessions per speaker.

If you want to submit a session with a co-speaker as well? You can submit a max. of 4 sessions in total.

The program committee, consisting of members from the community, jointly assess the submissions and will issue a response no later than March 15, 2025.

We aim for a program with as much diversity as possible, please share and motivate speakers around you to submit a session. Sessions are accepted in either Dutch or English.

By submitting a session, we also expect something in return if you are selected:

 • Usage of our PowerPoint template, which we will provide upfront, we might send updates to some slides afterwards asking you to integrate them into your presentation (sponsor slides/evaluation etc..)

 • Your availability during the whole conference, we really prefer our speakers to be approachable before and after their sessions.

 • Your help in promoting the event, by blogging and using your social media channels to advertise that you are one of our speakers. We will provide you with some additional material to help you with that.

 • Haven’t had the chance to elevate your presentation skills? Join us for an in-person speaker pre-briefing event on Tuesday, May 13, at Proxsys in Gorinchem, starting at 15:00 with dinner included. This event is mandatory for those without prior experience speaking on a large stage. However, we highly recommend all selected speakers attend this pre-briefing to ensure success.

We will be providing you with the opportunity to get the best preparation for your session(s) at Experts Live Netherlands. Connect with other speakers and the Experts Live Netherlands organization, to receive tips & tricks, session & slides feedback during this in-person get together. Together with you, we will bring the content of this community event to the next level.

This evening includes:

  • Speaker trainings 
  • Q&A about the event 
  • Dinner with the organization and other speakers 
  • Experienced trainers delivering useful guidance 

Please note: Our attendees are joining this event for (deep) technical and adoption Microsoft related knowledge sessions. No commercial/marketing content!

What is in it for you?

 • Sharing your knowledge within the Microsoft community

 • One day of sharing, connecting and learning with the best of the best

 • Becoming part of the global Experts Live family

 • Ability to join the speaker dinner, the evening prior to the event

 • Exposure and visibility both online and offline

 • Attend our speaker pre-briefing, given by experienced speaker trainers

 • Ability to attend a full day conference and network with other speakers, partners, sponsors and the Experts Live organization

Some tips:

 • Make sure that you use an appealing title for your session, and write a clear session description of what our visitors can expect when they visit your session

 • Make sure to properly "tag" your session.

 • If you are an inexperienced speaker, but want to take this opportunity to speak for a large audience, consider teaming with a more experienced speaker on the same topic.

For questions, please reach out to us, using the contact form or e-mail us directly through

event fee

free for speakers

For speakers travelling from abroad we offer an overnight stay in one of the hotels around the venue