Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 723 days ago

IRTC conference 2023

event starts

15 Feb 2023

event ends

17 Feb 2023


Lilliad, Lille, France Lille, France

About the IRTC

The global network “International Round Table on Materials Criticality” (IRTC), funded by EIT RawMaterials, has a crucial role in the international debate on criticality. In IRTC, leading experts and developers of criticality methodologies discuss different perspectives and requirements of robust criticality assessments, bridging academic expertise and industry practice.

About the IRTC2023 Conference

IRTC23 will be all about dialogue on raw materials for a sustainable future. Raw materials play an important role in economic and technological development of, among others, the renewable & digital transition. At the same time, supply of many raw materials heavily depends on precarious and unsustainable supply chains. This conference brings together international leading experts, practitioners and participants, to exchange perspectives and engage in in-depth discussions on how to assess and manage raw materials and criticality, and to explore the potential of different strategies to secure supply. Therefore, IRTC23 welcomes a diverse audience from industry, academics and policy-making concerned with raw materials for a sustainable future.

Conference structure

Keynote Conversations

In a series of keynote conversations, international criticality experts will share their perspectives on critical raw materials for a sustainable future in moderated in-depth discussions.

Talks by Practitioners and Researchers

Practitioners and researchers in the field of critical raw materials are invited to contribute to the shape and content of the conference by sharing their work or case on critical raw materials in relation to thematic sessions as presented in the program below. The sessions will be chaired by multidisciplinary teams of experts to facilitate a discussion with the presenters.

Session Chairs will select the most novel contributions for publication in a special issue of the journal Mineral Economics.

Are you as practitioner or researcher in the field, interested to share your work on critical raw materials? Please submit an abstract proposal for a 15-min presentation or a poster for the main hall exhibition! The abstract submission closes on October 19, 2022.


Participants are invited to join the two-and-a-half-day conference to meet colleagues, keynote speakers and conference Chairs, to engage in discussions in the sessions and to join the networking activities. On-site participation will be limited to around 180 people to encourage meaningful discussions and networking. Online participation in the sessions will be possible.

The early bird registration is now open! If early bird tickets are sold out and/or after 15 December, the regular fee applies.


July 31, 2022: First call for abstracts

August 31, 2022: Opening of the abstract registration system

October 11, 2022: Opening of conference registration

October 19, 2022: Abstract submission deadline

November 30, 2022: Information on review results

finished 838 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

31 Jul 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

24 Oct 2022

Call closes in W. Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Are you as practitioner or researcher in the field interested to share your work on critical raw materials and to contribute to the conference program? We welcome you to submit an abstract proposal for a 15-min presentation or for a poster for the main hall exhibition!

The abstract proposal (referred to as "session" in the submission software) should include the title, a description of max. 1000 characters, keywords, the preferred session format, the name and affiliation of the speaker, and optionally of the co-authors of the abstract (“co-speaker” in the submission form). Before the conference, submitted proposals will be (blindly) selected by the session Chairs.

Furthermore, Chairs will select the most novel contributions for publication in a special issue of the journal Mineral Economics.

Conference themes

Please make sure to submit an abstract proposal that fits in one of the 8 themes as defined by the Organisation Committee and Scientific Committee. Metals are the main raw materials of interest, but contributions on critical industrial minerals and bio-based materials are welcomed as well!

  • Criticality: stakeholder perspectives
  • Criticality methods
  • Sourcing and trade
  • ESG and regulation
  • Changing demand
  • Design for Circularity (recycling, reuse, remanufacturing, repair, and reduction)
  • Addressing criticality: Industry case studies
  • Addressing criticality: Policy case studies

If you experience any technical problems during the submission of your abstract, please contact the IRTC organizers by email ( or by phone (+33 9 81 85 76 82).

By submitting the abstract you agree that personal data shown on this page is shared with the organizer of IRTC 2023. The organizer may share or use (part or all of) your abstract and personal data publicly as (but not limited to) a part of an event schedule.