Call for Presentations

in 203 days

Colorado Gold Writers Conference 2025

event starts

25 Sep 2025

event ends

28 Sep 2025


13200 E 14th Pl, Aurora, CO 80011 Aurora, Colorado, United States

The 42nd annual Colorado Gold Writers Conference will be held September 25 to September 28, 2025. This year's theme is The Power of Prose: Writing as a superpower to change the world. We're assembling writers who want to unleash their inner superhero through their writing and look forward to having you join the team!

open, 26 days left
Call for Presentations
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Mar 2025

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Mar 2025

Call closes in Mountain Daylight Time (UTC-06:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' Annual Colorado Gold Writers Conference. Join 350+ writers for a weekend filled with education and fun. This year’s theme is The Power of Prose: Writing as a superpower to change the world! We highly encourage presentations to incorporate the theme as much as possible. 

We have another fun opportunity this year for our presenters. Our Thursday night kickoff party will be a murder mystery. If you are interested in participating in the show, please let us know.

Please note: All workshops will be recorded for virtual conference attendees and will be uploaded to the RMFW course library after the conference. Videos will only be accessed by attendees or active members of RMFW. More details will follow if your workshops are selected.

Workshop Categories:

Writing Craft

This includes character development, theme, plot, structure, scene building, dialogue, point of view, world-building, first pages, pacing, editing, and critiquing. Anything that applies to multiple genres is also included here, like: relationships, humor, sex, and writing other than novels (screen writing, short stories, etc.).

If your topic is not about novel writing, please choose this with the sub-category Writing Other Than Novels, even if it is about publishing that form.

Publishing and Professional

This category includes any topic related to:

Publishing: including traditional, self, and hybrid. Examples include: cover design, formatting software, ISBNs, pitching, and query letters.

Marketing: How your readers find your work. Anything relating to an author platform and getting your name out into the world belongs in this category, including newsletters, website design, blogging, social media use, and paid ads.

Business of Writing: Covering things like positioning yourself as an author, making money from freelance work, forming a business entity, managing taxes, and contracts.

Expert topics: In order to get stories right, writers need to learn about a myriad of real-world issues. This category includes how to do research and interview experts, as well as specific topics of expertise such as law enforcement, the military, martial arts, healthcare, mental illness, diversity, science, etc. To draw a good audience, you need to have strong credentials and the topic needs to have broad appeal.

Creativity and Productivity

This category includes how to generate ideas, enhance creativity, and increase productivity. Examples from the past include: getting over writer’s block, distraction-free writing, writing a complete novel in six weeks, and rediscovering playfulness.

Genre Specific

Some classes apply to a certain genre or set of genres. Examples in the past have included: magic systems, how to write a thriller, fiction for young audiences, horror-romance, and writing within the constraints of historical fact.


Feel free to propose something that doesn’t fit in the above categories. We are always looking for unique topics.

Compensation Terms

Note: Changed from last year!

To be eligible for 100% compensation, presenters must be willing to:

1) Present at least three hours of content


2) Participate in two of the following roles*: Panelist, Birds of a Feather Host, Table Host, Mentor, Social Media Checkups, Pitch Room Assistant, or Blue Pencil Author.

If eligibility requirements for 100% compensation have not been met, solo presenters will receive $100 off conference registration for every hour taught.

Co-presenters will each receive $50 off conference registration per hour taught (this includes panels).

*Role descriptions:

Panelist: Be one of 3 or 4 experts who answer questions from a moderator and the audience on defined topics.

Birds of a Feather Host: An informal gathering of writers to chat about a particular genre.

Table Host: The Friday night banquet tables are hosted by agents, editors, published authors, or presenters. Your only role will be to fuel conversation at your designated table.

Blue Pencil Sessions: A 30-minute session in which an attendee brings their writing (up to five pages) for an on-the-spot critique.

Mentor: A 30-minute session in which an attendee has a chance to ask you for advice.

Social Media Checkup:  A session to supercharge an attendee's Instagram or TikTok.


If other arrangements are not made with the conference chair, another presenter and workshop(s) may be scheduled in its place.


The maximum compensation for any presenter is one conference registration fee. Paid add-ons are not included in the base conference registration fee and are not part of the compensation. RMFW does not provide stipends for travel or other expenses.

event fee

free for speakers

Full Conference fee covered with 3 hours of programming & a minimum of 2 additional hours of volunteering

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