Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,584 days ago

Webflow Virtual World Tour

event starts

18 Aug 2020

event ends

4 Sep 2020



Join us this summer as the Webflow team “visits” your city on the Webflow World Tour. We’ll be hosting live virtual events in 9 different time zones around the world, giving you a chance to connect with local Webflow community members in your city, learn about the coolest things they’re building, and also get up to date on some of the exciting projects we’re working on at Webflow. 

The events are open to everyone and will be hosted as if it were a local event, highlighting our local customers, community members, and Webflow teams. Make sure to vote for your city

finished 1,651 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 8:00 AM

19 May 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

28 Jun 2020

Call closes in US Mountain Standard Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Each Webflow World Tour event will feature:

  • 1 opening keynote (Webflow team)
  • 1 Webflow product session (Webflow team)
  • 2 full-length sessions: 30min each, including Q&A (Webflow customers/external speakers)
  • 7 demo theater sessions: 10-15min each, no Q&A (World Tour sponsors)

Tour dates


August 18 | UTC-7

August 19 | UTC-5

August 20 | UTC-4


August 25 | UTC+1

August 26 | UTC+2

August 27 | UTC+3


September 1 | UTC+5:30

September 2 | UTC+8

September 3 | UTC+10

Selection process

CFP Opens: Tuesday, May 19, 2020, 8:00am PT

CFP Closes: Sunday, June 28, 2020, 11:59pm PT

Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of Webflow employees from different departments and backgrounds. Talks will be rated anonymously based on the criteria below. We will use optionally-disclosed speaker details to ensure our lineup is diverse and represents a wider audience when necessary. You can expect to hear from us on Thursday, July 2. 

Apply to speak

Each event will feature different Webflow users from around the world, showcasing their stories about how Webflow has transformed the way they build, grow, and scale their teams and businesses. We encourage everyone who’s interested in speaking to apply — we can’t wait to learn from your stories. 

What to talk about

Content at the Webflow World Tour events will be focused around four major themes. 


Target audiences: marketing managers, design teams, system managers

  • Are you stretching the limits of what Webflow can do? Tell us about it. 
  • What are some common mistakes you’ve come across that you could help others avoid?
  • What integrations or customizations have you implemented to enhance your experience with Webflow?
  • Do you have any special tips or hacks that make your team or clients more efficient?
  • What does the future of your company look like with Webflow?


Target audiences: in-house designers, design managers, founders, freelance and agency designers

  • How does Webflow empower you to build completely custom websites without code?
  • How are you growing a business with Webflow? 
  • How did you tackle institutional resistance, or winning over teams, in order to advocate for Webflow internally or with your clients? 
  • How does Webflow work with your current tech stack?
  • How quickly and easily were you able to get started with Webflow?


Target audiences: founders, small business owners, ecommerce business owners

  • How has Webflow helped your team or organization to scale?
  • How has your organization transformed the way teams collaborate with Webflow?
  • How have you optimized your design processes and workflows using Webflow?
  • How has your use of Webflow evolved as your team or business has grown?

Social impact

Target audiences: all teams

  • How are you using Webflow to make the world a better place?
  • Are you working on a project that is helping to dismantle systemic racism?
  • Have you used Webflow to provide COVID-19 relief to your community?
  • How is Webflow helping you empower disadvantaged communities?

What we’re looking for in a submission

  • Content that shows and educates lands better with audiences. Content that simply tells high-level information or aims to sell a solution will not be selected. 
  • Super specific deep dives, practical examples, and case studies showing how you’ve overcome failure or learned an important lesson that has led your team or organization to success. 
  • Interesting stories—people learn best when they are captivated. 
  • Solutions for real-world problems. 
  • First-time speakers welcome!

What we’ll reject in a submission

Sales pitches, vague abstracts, offensive material, blatant inauthenticity or plagiarism, or anything incongruent with our Code of Conduct

Diversity and Inclusion

At Webflow we believe everyone should have the power to create for the web. Webflow events are for people creating the future of the web, the future of design, and the future of software.

In order to achieve this mission, our events need to represent everyone. We’d especially like to encourage people from underrepresented communities to attend and apply to speak. If you think we can do better in our efforts, please share your feedback in the notes section of the application.

event fee

free for speakers

All Webflow Virtual World Tour events are free. Speakers will receive a $500 honorarium payment (or can donate to a non-profit organization).