Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 830 days ago

Android Worldwide April 2022

event date

19 Apr 2022



Android Worldwide is an international group of developer communities that like to collaborate. Once every three months we organize free technical events that cater to Android devs.

In the spirit of being inclusive, our first talk is at 13:15 UTC and the party goes on for nearly 15 hours so that there is a convenient time for everybody around the world to join.

To us, online events shouldn't lose the social component that many of us love from meeting in person. That is why we use Airmeet, to enable socializing before and after your session. 


With a central goal of advocating for greater cultural diversity among Android communities, we are proudly building partnerships with community organizers who love the idea of breaking geographical barriers. Any community that approaches us will be welcomed with open arms.

finished 882 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 8:00 AM

25 Jan 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

25 Feb 2022

Call closes in Dateline Standard Time (UTC-12:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

You are welcome to submit any talk that interests you, though please make sure that it's relevant for Android Developers. 

Please consider the following tips when submitting your talk(s):

  • Session title- Please make sure it aligns with your abstract.

  • Description- We don't expect an essay, but please communicate what your talk will cover and describe what the audience is expected to learn. 

  • Session format- Sessions can be one of four lengths- 15, 30, 60, 60+ minutes. An additional 15 minutes will be set aside for Q&A.

  • Level- Please try to define the level of your talk accurately. 

  • Time zone- Please provide the time zone you live in.

All sessions will be recorded and shared on the Android Worldwide YouTube channel.

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
52 submissions
Submitted sessions
Vaibhav Antil
  • Decoding Play Store Data Safety Section
Jaewoong Eum
  • Modeling Retrofit responses with sealed classes and coroutines.
Stanley Aniobi
  • HOW TO PROGRAM YOUR CYBORG - Best way to learn Programming/Software Development.
Ayush Singhal
  • Demystifying Build Variants (Build Types + Product Flavors) in Android
Saket Kumar
  • Reducing Android App Size: Challenges faced and things I learned the "Hard" way!
Manuel Nakamurakare
  • How we brought down our build times: First in a monolithic app, then in a multi module app.
Murat Can Bur
  • Understanding Unit Tests for Android
Criss Cuervo
  • Mindful Tech: Basics of Emotional intelligence
Gema Socorro Rodriguez
  • It's time to start loving to work with time
Cédric Ferry
  • Unleash Google Maps with Jetpack Compose
show all submissions
Chukwuma Jonathan
  • Android: The Platform with Endless Possibilities
Anton Shilov
  • Jetpack Compose in Production
Moataz Nabil
  • DevSecOps: Injecting Security into Android CI/CD Pipelines
  • Demystifying Android UI Automated Tests
Anna Zharkova
  • KSP and Plugins. Optimizing Kotlin Multiplatform common code
  • Make your social network with Android and GraphQL
  • Kotlin Multiplatform + Firebase. Create complete non-backend application
Rikin Marfatia
  • State Machines and Hopeful Dreams
Karan Balkar
  • Co-routines: When to use and when to avoid
Adit Lal
  • Andromeda - open source Jetpack Compose design system
  • A page out of Server driven UI on Android
Sasikanth Miriyampalli
  • Composing in style
Arnaud Giuliani
  • Android Architecture Design with Koin
Bhavna Thacker
  • GoodBye SharedPreferences, Welcome Jetpack DataStore
Goce Anastasovski
  • A new life for an old phone
Kshitij Chauhan
  • Serverless Kotlin
El Zhang
  • Migration of AGP Variant/Artifact API from v1 to v2
Luis Cardoza Bird
  • What's so great about Grpc?
  • Driving through a Composed Test
  • Dagger and Hilt 2 faces of the same Koin
  • Composing your next stelar app
Wojciech Sadurski
  • The landscape of Android TV
Martin Bonnin, Benoit Lubek
  • Caching your data Graph - Offline & Reactive apps using Apollo Kotlin
Rahul Kesharwani
  • Introduction to World of Android #Kotlin
Julien Salvi
  • Demystifying Locale on Android
  • One does not simply: migrating to Android 12 🤯
Divya Jain
  • Jetpack DataStore - protocol buffers storage solution
Zuriel Gibson
  • Warrior by Nature
Jordan Terry
  • Practical Modularisation for Android Developers
Sergio Sastre Flórez
  • Writing bulletproof code with property-based testing
Adam Abramov
  • An Android Ad Fraud Tutorial
Wisdom Nwokocha
  • Communicate with Solidity Smart Contract using Kotlin fuel
Mohit Sarveiya
  • Strategies for Migrating to Jetpack Compose
Gokula Krishnan
  • Building seamless Content Management System (Storage service)
Ed Holloway-George
  • Don’t get stung by OWASP II - The final five!
Falko Richter
  • Agile hardware development (as an Android dev)
Abel Adugam
  • The Billion User Open Secret
  • The Big Box of Community - The How
Ahmed Tikiwa
  • From XML to Compose, my journey of transforming an existing large app to Jetpack Compose
Maia Grotepass
  • Something old, something new: Adding Jetpack Compose to a large open source Android app
Rohit Jakhar
  • Dependency Injection in Android