Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,654 days ago

AntarctiConf 2020

event starts

13 Jan 2020

event ends

16 Jan 2020


Coral Princess, Antarctica

AntarctiConf 2020 is a 4-day mastermind, mini-conference, and retreat onboard a 16-day cruise to Antarctica on January 5 – 21, 2020.

For more info, please visit

finished 1,988 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

14 Oct 2018

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Feb 2019

Call closes in Pacific SA Daylight Time (UTC-03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .


  1. Book your cruise by contacting
  2. Submit your presentation ideas using this form
  3. Wait for additional speaker announcements


  • Please limit your submissions to just a few of your best talks
  • Please use the themes, tracks, and formats listed below
  • Submit a lightning talk to increase your chances of speaking
  • Lightning talks can lead to open-space discussions
  • There will be no internet access during your talk
  • We will do our best to ensure everyone can participate
  • We realize that your talk may change significantly over a year


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • Science
  • Technology 
  • Self-improvement


  • Day 1 - Reflect - focus on past successes and failures of projects, companies, personal lives, etc.
  • Day 2 - Recharge - focus on what you are currently excited about in your life, business, technology, etc.
  • Day 3 - Refocus - focus on where are you taking your business, personal lives, technology, etc. in the future
  • Day 4 - Relax - focus on networking, collaboration, socialization, and sustainability (e.g. work/life balance)


  • Keynotes - 30-minute talk to kick off each day's theme
  • Regular Talks - 30-minute presentations 
  • Lighting Talks - short 5-minute TED-style talks
  • Open Spaces - self-organizing group discussions
  • Activity - extracurricular activities outside of the conference that you want to host (e.g. wellness, yoga, workshops)


The audience for this event is still evolving. However, as of today, we've had interest from over 100 individuals from 22 countries around the world. The audience is roughly 70% speakers and 30% attendees. Roles include c-level executives, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, technologists, public speakers, world travelers, scientists, professional athletes, and astronauts. Please keep the audience in mind when proposing talks.


Due to the unique nature of this conference, we are unable to provide any travel reimbursements or accommodations for speakers. However, speakers will be provided with free admission to the conference and a small gift to show our appreciation. 


The CFP will close on January 14, 2019


For all questions, please see our FAQ or email us at 

event fee

free for speakers