Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 737 days ago

Apache Cassandra 4.1 World Party

event starts

20 Jul 2022

event ends

21 Jul 2022

Apache Cassandra™ runs some of the world's largest workloads. Join us for the second annual Cassandra World Party, a  virtual, one-day, no cost event to celebrate the community and the forthcoming 4.1 release. 

Event Details 

The Cassandra World Party will include three (3) 1-hour virtual events that consist of moderated lighting talks. We encourage and welcome contributors, end users and community members to submit fun, fast-paced, 5 minute “lightning” style talks that focus on:

  • What you love about Cassandra
  • Why you’re passionate about Cassandra
  • What you’ve contributed to Cassandra - especially 4.1
  • What you’ve learned using Cassandra
  • What you’ve built with Cassandra
  • How you’ve successfully scaled Cassandra

For those who have recently submitted an Apache Cassandra-related talk for ApacheCon 2022, please consider using this as an opportunity to present a super condensed (and fast!) version of that talk. 

Event Date:

July 20, 2022 

Event Times: 

  • July 20, 2022 1200 UTC 
  • July 20, 2022 1800 UTC
  • July 21, 2022 0100 UTC 

**All participants must adhere to the Apache Software Foundation's anti-harassment policy.**

finished 768 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

20 May 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

19 Jun 2022

Call closes in UTC (UTC+00:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We encourage contributors, end users and community members to submit fun, fast-paced, 5 minute “lightning” style talks that focus on:

  • What you love about Cassandra
  • Why you’re passionate about Cassandra
  • What you’ve learned using Cassandra
  • What you’ve built with Cassandra
  • How you successfully scale applications with Cassandra

For those who have recently submitted an Apache Cassandra-related talk for ApacheCon 2022, please consider using this as an opportunity to present a super condensed (and fast!) version of that talk. 

The Cassandra World Party will include three (3) 1-hour virtual events held over the course of one day showcasing 3-5 presentations each time (9-15 total). Pick your preferred session time under the section called "Track."

That’s it! Whether you're a beginner or long-time Cassandra user, come share your tale and learn from others.