Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 673 days ago

Appdevcon / Endpointcon 2023

event starts

9 May 2023

event ends

12 May 2023


Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Appdevcon is the leading app developer's conference in Europe. It's organized for app developers, by app developers. We have 3 days full of in-depth training sessions and 1 main conference day. 2023 will be the 10th appdevcon edition, so it will be really special. 

To celebrate the 10th edition, we are reviving the Endpointcon brand as a sister conference. This will be a conference aimed at backend and API development.

finished 772 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

06 Oct 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Feb 2023

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Topics we are looking for

We like to see anything that squarely fits into the spectrum of:

  • In-depth sessions explaining specific topics in iOS, Android, Web or backend development
  • Cutting-edge technological advances in the world of app development.
  • Practical ideas that attendees can apply at work the next day.
  • Trends and hot topics which are relevant in 2023 and beyond.
  • The human side of software engineering.
  • Best practices from experienced app developers.


  • All talks are in English.
  • Submitting more than one submission is strongly encouraged. The more submissions contributed, the more options we have to pick from, and the higher your chances are of being accepted as a speaker.
  • Try to not include any hints to your identity in your abstracts. This helps us to make a good initial blind selection.
  • Make sure you care, and make sure we see you care. Typos, sloppy formatting and all-lowercase submissions make our reading of your proposal tedious. These things will definitely count against your proposal.
  • Don’t overdo it either. If you need more than two paragraphs to get to the point of your topic, we need to ask you to slim things down. With the amount of submissions we get, the quicker you can make a good impression, the better.
  • Original Topics. We favour original content. If you want to discuss a topic that you have talked about elsewhere, try to add a twist, or new research, or development, something unique. Of course, if your talk is plain awesome as-is, go for that.


If you get selected as a speaker at Appdevcon, here’s what you get:

  • Travel to Amsterdam covered. We have a travel agent that will assist you booking your travel.
  • Entrance to the conference. 
  • Airport to hotel. We will do our best to pick up speakers from the airport.
  • We cover your stay in Amsterdam in a fancy hotel near the venue (including free Wifi). For locals outside of Amsterdan we cover 1 night, for speakers outside the Netherlands 2 nights, and 3 nights for tutorial speakers. If you want to stay longer, we can arrange things, just let us know. You will have to cover extra nights, though.
  • If your employer can cover your travel and hotel, we are happy to list them as an awesome company sponsor. The money we save will be used to make the conference more awesome.
  • There is a speaker’s dinner the night before the conference that you will be invited to as well as the after party.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Number of nights depends on where speakers are traveling from.