Call for Speakers

AppSec Village - DC30

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 943 days ago

AppSec Village - DC30

event starts

12 Aug 2022

event ends

14 Aug 2022


Twilight Room, 3rd Floor, Flamingo Corporate Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

We continue to be a resounding success at DEF CON and look forward to returning to in person events!

Our mission is to promote diverse voices and perspectives in an inclusive environment driven for and by the appsec community to increase education and awareness of application security methods and practices.

Come immerse yourself in everything the world of application security has to offer. Whether you are a red, blue or purple teamer, come learn from the best of the best on how to exploit software vulnerabilities and secure software.

Software is everywhere, and Application Security vulnerabilities are lurking around every corner making the software attack surface attractive for abuse. If you are just an AppSec n00b or launch deserialization attacks for fun and profit, you will find something to tickle your interest at the AppSec Village.

Software runs the world. Everything from IoT, medical devices, the power grid, smart cars, voting apps, all of it has software behind it. Such a variety of topics will be reflected in our cadre of guest speakers representing all backgrounds and walks of life.

AppSec Village welcomes all travelers to choose from talks by expert community members, an all AppSec-focused CTF, contests that challenge your mind and your skillz, and more. Bring your thirst for knowledge and passion for breaking things, and your visit to AppSec Village at DEF CON 30 will be a thrill!

finished 1,039 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

25 Mar 2022

Call closes at 12:00 AM

10 May 2022

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

AppSec is inherently collaborative and we need your application security story. Whether it is your first time in front of an audience or you love to bask in the glow of the crowd, we want to hear your application security story.

Prefer to run a round-table, panel, or a hands-on workshop? There is a place for you too. Share your valuable application security knowledge.

Submissions: We are planning to be at DEF CON in person! Keep your fingers crossed on the global health situation.

Talk and Panel slots are 45 minutes long. We encourage 30-35 minutes of presentation, followed by 10-15 minutes of Q&A. The workshop slots will be 2 hours long. Please be conscious of these times when submitting your proposals. If you find this limitation too, well, limiting, make sure to mention that in your submission, we will try to take it into account.

Anonymity: The submission process is anonymous. It means that the names of submitters are not available to the committee while scoring the submissions. Our goal is to ensure that our process is not biased and to support all individuals regardless of their gender/background.