Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 2,358 days ago

Autscape, an autistic conference

event starts

28 Aug 2018

event ends

31 Aug 2018


Tonbridge School Tonbridge, United Kingdom

Autscape is an autistic conference. It is run by and for autistic people. The environment and content of the event are centred around autistic people's needs, interests and sensitivities.

The theme for this year's Autscape is 'Exploring Inclusion'.

finished 2,371 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 8:00 AM

15 Jul 2018

Call closes at 11:59 PM

17 Aug 2018

Call closes in GMT Daylight Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We are now accepting submissions for everything that isn't the main programme. The title of the page says it's a call for speakers, but it's really about leisure and other activities such as:

  • leisure activities (e.g. dancing),
  • lightning talks (a 5 minute talk on a favourite topic),
  • discussions (a group discussion where anyone can contribute),
  • casual activities (e.g. board games, crafts)

You can also use this to tell us about contributions for:

  • the entertainment evening on the last night. This can be music, recitation, drama, comedy, etc.
  • art exhibition if we have one (still organising the space)
  • the organisations forum or research forum (see below).

Please only submit an activity if you:

  1. already have a confirmed place at Autscape this year, and
  2. are happy to run it (or find someone) yourself.

Even if you've already told us about it, we'd really like you to do this form so we can slot you into the schedule easily. You don't have to use this form to tell us or even to tell us in advance.

The form

  • In order to submit a session using the form, you will have to make an account on I have checked their privacy policy and it looks ok, but if you're concerned, please check it yourself.
  • You can use a fake name, but that is what you will be published as. If the name you use on the form is different from how you are registered, let us know in the notes.
  • Lots of different accounts can be used to login. You are likely to already have one, e.g. Google (gmail). However, if you don't want to use this form, send me an email at: and I will add your session manually.
  • If you don't know exactly what you want to do yet or for any other reason don't want to tell us about your activity right now, you can add it any time including when we're already at Autscape, but the longer you wait, the harder it will be to find a good place and time.


New this year: Project forum

This year there will be a special session which will be a series of lightning talks and poster presentations on projects and research relevant to autistic people. 

In both cases, if the session is oversubscribed then autistic-led projects will take priority, and those that are actively including autistic people will be next.

The forum will be held after lunch in the OBS Gallery in the main building. The session will run something like this:

  1. A short time at the start for participants to browse the posters
  2. A series of lightning talks from each project
  3. Time to go around to the posters and discuss the project with their presenters

You don't have to do a lightning talk and a poster. You can do one, the other, or both. If you are sending a submission for one of these, please select 'lightning talk' and mention in the notes that you'd like it to be part of the forum.


  • Everything on offer must be suitable for an autistic audience.
  • Participants should not be pressured into participating in any way.
  • Participants are allowed to come and go during an activity unless there is a compelling reason why not (e.g. a meditation) in which case you can ask us to disallow entry, but you still can't stop people leaving.
  • Things like lectures generally don't go over that well as casual activities. It is usually better to have a discussion. You could always submit a lecture proposal next year.

If you will have expenses that you would like Autscape to meet, be sure to let us know now.