Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 666 days ago

Azure Back to School 2022

event starts

1 Sep 2022

event ends

30 Sep 2022



Azure Back to School is back again this year.  Last year, we had enough participants to have 1-2 presentations daily for all 30 days of September.  I'd like to have twice this many this year.  Submit your sessions between 1 April 2022 and 1 June 2022.  Sessions can be videos or blog articles.  Sessions should have something actionable that the viewers can learn and execute on their own.  

finished 756 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Apr 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Jul 2022

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .