Welcome to Azure Day Rome 2019, the free event dedicated to all users who want to learn or deepen their knowledge of Azure for the development and administration of application solutions in the Cloud!
The Azure Day Rome 2019 conference (# adrome2019) will take place on November 29th, at the Microsoft headquarters in Rome, Via Avignone 10.
The conference, organized by the DotNetCode community, will deal with Azure as the main topic and will be technology agnostic without necessarily being linked to the .NET world.
The conference will be divided into two tracks: Dev and DevOps.
- The Dev track will cover all those topics related to the services that Azure makes available to developers.
- The DevOps track will cover all those arguments necessary for using DevOps techniques that can be implemented within Azure.
Dopo il successo della prima edizione siamo alla ricerca di sessioni ricche di contenuti che mostrino al pubblico come sfruttare Azure all'interno della propria attività professionale.