BSidesChicago 2024 is back for our 11th in-person year!! That means, 4 full tracks all day. CTF, Lock Pick Village, Career Village and more! Lot's going on for a super special event and we are looking forward to featuring your talk! We use blind reviews, so none of our reviewers know who you are until after they have voted. You will also get feedback even if your talk is not selected on what could make it better. We hope you'll join us and help grow the security community here in the Chicago area!!
Remember - The "Abstract" is what goes in the program, but it's really the DETAILED description that gets you top votes by the review team!
Interested in speaking at BSides Chicago 2024 on Nov 2nd?
When crafting your submission, please provide as much detail as possible, including a detailed outline. The outline should give the reviewer an idea of how your session will flow, the depth of your presentation or workshop, and how it will fit within the time constraint.
Remember, the abstract section is a brief summary that goes in the program, it is the Description section that we need all that fantastic detail to be able to review!
Important Notes
This CFP will close at midnight Sept 14th, 2024.
We will notify accepted speakers no later than Sept 27th, and we will require your confirmation by Oct 1st.
If you haven't logged in before, you'll be able to register.
Using social networks to login is faster and simpler, but if you prefer username/password account - use Classic Login.