Call for Speakers

in 56 days

BSidesOK 2025

event date

4 Apr 2025


Glenpool Conference Center Glenpool, Oklahoma, United States

This is the premier security conference for the state of Oklahoma, pulling speakers from around the country and attendees from several surrounding states. In 2023 we had approximately 600 attendees and we expect additional growth for 2025. The conference will once again be held at the Glenpool Conference Center just south of Tulsa, OK. The conference is completely non-profit and volunteer-driven.

open, 22 days left
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

11 Nov 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

28 Feb 2025

Call closes in Central America Standard Time (UTC-06:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

You are invited to propose a presentation/talk for BSidesOK to be held on Friday, April 4, 2025 in Glenpool, OK. Our focus is on practical, in-the-trenches information security. If you’ve got a topic or an idea that you’d like to talk about, write down an outline & submit it!

Topic Considerations:

Our audience covers a wide range of the infosec community,  the majority tends to be defensive IT folks (blue team), so talks are focused on defensive tactics or capabilities have much more chance of being selected. We also have a number of red-team attendees, so offensive-focused topics will be considered, but please consider how you can approach the topic to benefit the whole audience. For example, that cool new attack you have might be awesome, but spend some time discussing how to prevent it, detect it, & defend against it. 

We’re looking for talks that have a practical application, whether that’s a process you have to get things done more efficiently, a script you’ve written, or a tool you use. Show us how YOU do security and why that’s valuable to our audience.

If you have a vendor-specific talk , your take-away can not be something proprietary to your product. In other words, spend time discussing the underlying security issues and review multiple options. There must be a 'no cost' option or at least a way to accomplish some of it with the built-in tools from that operating system or device. Sales-pitches will not be accepted.

Ideal talks will have some sort of deliverable for the audience. Not cookies or beer (you can still bring cookies and we got the beer...), but something they can take back to their work or personal life and use TODAY. Practical actions, scripts, methodologies, commands, etc. that people can use after the talk and find value from -- these will get the attention of the selection committee.  

Selection is based on content, not if the committee members have heard your name before. Submit a talk that helps the community and you probably will be picked. If not that, then make sure the take-aways from your discussion are awesome. If you have a talk that is extremely useful and practical for anyone to use today, then you’ve got great chance.

Here are some specific things we're looking for in a good submission. Include these in the description section below.

+ An outline of the talk (The more detail you provide, the more confidence we'll have that you're worth listening to.)

+ Have you given this talk at other conferences? If so, when & where?

+ Is your company name mentioned at all after your Bio slide? If so, what's the context & why?

+ Are there any additional files or documentation you can link us to about your topic? (white papers, proof of concept, code, etc)

Additional Information

* Is there anything else you want us to know?

* Will you have more than one speaker? Include their info here.

* Do you need audio, or anything unusual on-stage?

* Do you prefer to not have your name or bio info listed on our website?


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