Call for Papers

Call for Papers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 119 days ago

BSidesTLV 2024

event date

27 Jun 2024


Smolarz Auditorium, Tel-Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel


The 2024 edition of Security BSides in Israel, BSidesTLV 2024, is returning once again during Tel Aviv University's Cyber Week (see map) (June 23rd - June 27th 2024).

BSidesTLV will take place on Thursday, June 27th 2024, from 09:00am until 18:00pm, and (depending on the the state of world affairs) might even be followed by our traditional after-party. The venue will be the Smolarz Auditorium again, after the last two years' great success.

#### Our Code of Conduct:

**All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree to the following code of conduct:**

_BSidesTLV is dedicated to providing a safe and harassment-free conference experience regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices, to all participants. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants, speakers or organizers in any form. Sexual language and imagery is not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter and any other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference at the discretion of the conference organizers._

The organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.

More details can be found at

finished 191 days ago
Call for Papers
Call opens at 10:00 AM

15 Feb 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Apr 2024

Call closes in Jerusalem Daylight Time (UTC+03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Who should apply?

BSidesTLV is a hands-on, community-organized hacking and security research event. This is the chance for you to share knowledge, ideas and failures and demonstrate what you've been up to! We encourage talk submissions by both newbies and veterans, from people passionate about security in all walks of life. If we don't know who you are, or if you've never spoken on stage before - we want you, so go ahead and submit a talk!

Available speaking slots:

  • 45min - Deep-dive, technical talk
  • 25min - Regular talks
  • 10min - Lightning talks

The 45min and 25min slots include 5min for Q&A so please take that under consideration when creating your talk.

Topics we would like to hear about:

BSides TLV 2024 has a special theme. Our theme this year will focus on the local community’s resilience and strength:

“Together we stand, Together we hack - יחד ננצח, יחד נפצח”

We would like to feature stories of how security researchers and friendly hackers responded to the crisis and war going on in Israel since the October 7 attacks.

Other than that, the usual subjects apply:

  • Network Security & Wireless Networks
  • Hardware Hacking & Embedded Systems
  • Mobile and Portable Devices
  • Radio Hacking: SDR and RF, GSM, NFC, etc.
  • [Web] Application Security
  • Low-Code/No-Code Security
  • Containers and Virtualization
  • Cryptography
  • Biohacking
  • Forensics
  • Vulnerability Research & Disclosure
  • Hack the Human & Social Engineering
  • Live DEMO of something awesome
  • Anything else Hacking related - try us!

Regarding AI, Copilots, and ChatGPT: Submissions are welcome, but bear in mind that due to everyone's tendency to jump on the band wagon, the bar for acceptance will be very high, so unless you have something really jaw-dropping to say, we recommend you choose another subject.

Important BSidesTLV 2024 dates:

  • February 15 2024 - CFP open
  • April 15th 2024 23:59:59 - CFP close
  • May 5th 2024 - Accepted talks notified 
  • May 19th 2024 - Agenda announced to the public with final talk title & abstract
  • June 15th 2024 - Presentation/slides due for review
  • June 26th 2024 - Speakers' dinner (in the event of a physical-presence conference)
  • June 27th 2024 - BSidesTLV and after party!

Why you should speak at BSidesTLV 2024

You’ll win the audience’s admiration and a chance to (hopefully) visit Tel Aviv and be a part of Cyber Week, an annual event that brings over 8000 international guests from 60 countries to Tel Aviv.

Speaker benefits:

  • A stage to present your topic, in English, to an audience of nearly a thousand passionate individuals.
  • Special, limited edition speaker T-shirt and speaker gifts. In the event of a virtual conference, they will be mailed to you.
  • Speakers dinner on the night before the event.
  • Guaranteed entry to the after party. 

As a community-focused, free and non-profit event, we currently do not cover flights or offer honorariums to our speakers, but in special cases we might be able to provide some assistance for overseas speakers (lightning talks excluded). Please contact us.

If you are traveling from abroad, we hope you’ll enjoy the chance to visit sunny Tel Aviv and connect with our amazing local security community. We promise to make it fun, safe, educational , and worth your while! 

Some news regarding our CFP process:

  1. We replaced the platform we use for our CFP, from pretalx to Sessionize.
  2. Following the good experience we had last year, this year as well we will be performing our review process in a "Double-Blind" mode - that means our reviewers won't see the submitter details, and will vote on submissions based only on the submission content, and submitters who wish to get their reviews feedback will be able to get it in anonymized version. The exception is the head of the CFP committee.

event fee

free for speakers