Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
in 59 days

Code for Japan Summit 2024

event date

16 Nov 2024


立命館大学 びわこ・くさつキャンパス Kusatsu, Japan

(English below)

Code for Japan Summitは2014年から開催している国内最大級のシビックテックカンファレンスです。









The Code for Japan Summit is one of the largest civic tech conferences in Japan, held annually since 2014. It is an event where civic tech enthusiasts and those interested in civic tech from across the country gather once a year. We welcome session proposals on a wide range of topics, including civic tech, Govtech, NPTech, education, and accessibility.

If you would like to present or host a workshop at the conference, please submit your program proposal through this form.

Event Date: November 16, 2024

Session Proposal Submission Deadline: September 15, 2024

*Please note that submissions will be reviewed by the organizers after the deadline. We will notify you of the acceptance status by the end of September.
*For any inquiries or unclear points, please use the "Contact Form" to submit your questions.

finished 43 hours ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

22 Aug 2024

Call closes at 11:59 PM

15 Sep 2024

Call closes in Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

(English below)


  1. セッション40分 8枠
  2. セッション15分 8枠
  3. ワークショップ50分(準備、片付け含む) 3枠



  1.  Sessionizeにログインしてください
  2. プロポーザルのフォームに日本語または英語で記入してください
  3. 送信ボタンを押して応募完了(期間内は変更可能です)


  • プロポーザルの情報を記載してください(サンプルプロポーザル(準備中)も参考にしてください
  • キャッチフレーズには所属・肩書きを記載してください
  • 説明には、トークの詳細と、構成・タイムラインを書いてください
  • Notesは書いてもレビューの対象にはなりません
  • プロフィール情報も記載してください


  • 募集開始日 : 2024/8/22 (木)
  • 募集終了日:2024/9/15(日) 23:59
  • 採用可否連絡 : 9月末までに連絡



  • 複数応募する場合はそれぞれプロポーザルを出してください
  • プロポーザルに記載された情報はレビュアーに公開されます。
  • 採択されたセッションについては、Code for Japan Summit 2024のサイトで一般参加者にも公開されます
  • 肩書とプロフィールと講演者の写真のみ、Code for Japan Summit 2024のサイトで一般参加者に公開されます。 ※写真は選考後に提出をお願いする予定です。
  • 共同講演者がいる場合は共同講演者へのメールアドレスを入力できます
  • 講演者は全員オフライン参加が必須となります。
  • 謝礼や旅費の支給はありません
  • 送信ボタン直前の同意事項(英語)の参考文
    「このページに記載されている個人情報は、Code for Japan Summit 2024 の主催者と共有されることに同意します。主催者は、あなたのセッションや「個人情報をイベントスケジュールの一部として公開する」 「セッション化のご利用をお願いいたします」 →同意する場合はチェックを入れてください
  • 参加にあたってはCode for Japanのプライバシーポリシーと行動規範をご確認ください。


Please request one of the following time slots for your presentation:

  1. Session 40 minutes (8 slots)
  2. Session 15 minutes (8 slots)
  3. Workshop 50 minutes (including preparation and clean-up) (3 slots)

Please note that sessions are planned to be streamed and archived. Workshops, however, will not be streamed or archived by the organizers.

The application process consists of the following 3 steps:

  1. Log in to Sessionize
  2. Fill out the proposal form in Japanese or English
  3. Press the submit button to complete your application (changes can be made during the period)

For Step 2, please pay attention to the following points when filling out:

  • Include information about your proposal (please also refer to the sample proposal, which is currently being prepared)
  • In the catchphrase, include your affiliation and title
  • In the description, write the details of your talk and its structure/timeline
  • Notes will not be subject to review even if written
  • Please also include your profile information

Schedule information including deadlines:

  • Application start date: August 22, 2024 (Thursday)
  • Application end date: September 15, 2024 (Sunday) 23:59
  • Notification of acceptance: By the end of September

Please note that if you submit or change your proposal after the deadline, it will not be considered for review.

Also, please confirm the following points in advance:

  • If submitting multiple proposals, please submit each proposal separately
  • Information included in the proposal will be shared with reviewers
  • Selected sessions will be made public on the Code for Japan Summit 2024 website for general participants
  • Only the title (speaker's tagline), biography (speaker's brief history), and speaker's photo will be made public on the Code for Japan Summit 2024 website for general participants. *Photos will be requested after selection.
  • If there are co-speakers, you can enter their email addresses
  • All speakers must participate offline
  • There is no provision for honorarium or travel expenses
  • Please review Code for Japan's privacy policy and code of conduct before participating.