Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,240 days ago

Cloud Engineering Summit hosted by Pulumi

event starts

20 Oct 2021

event ends

21 Oct 2021



The Cloud Engineering Summit is a day of learning and speed talks for cloud practitioners and anyone who's passionate about cloud infrastructure, modern applications, and everything in between. Cloud engineering applies standard software engineering practices and tools uniformly across infrastructure, development, and security teams to tame the complexity of delivering and managing modern cloud applications.

There is no registration fee to attend this event.

finished 1,315 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Jul 2021

Call closes at 11:59 PM

06 Aug 2021

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We're inviting community members, including infrastructure (DevOps, SREs, infra engineers), platform engineers, application developers, full-stack engineers, and security professionals who are building modern cloud-based applications and infrastructure, to submit a talk. You help your organizations achieve digital transformation goals and address both the challenges and opportunities posed by rapid innovation, scale, reliability, security, and compliance. If you have a story to tell - we'd love to hear it!


There are three defined tracks:

  • Build
  • Deploy
  • Manage

In your submission, please specify the appropriate track for your talk. However, the organizers reserve the right to move presentations into another track at their discretion. Read through the conference tracks before submitting your session, and make sure you understand the speaker guidelines.

 Build Track

Modern cloud applications and architectures blur the lines between app infrastructure and cloud engineering teams adopting new tools and practices to tame complexity and accelerate delivery. They embrace that success in the modern cloud era requires some level of proficiency in both cloud infrastructure and applications. Whether they're full-stack or specialize in one area, all cloud engineers apply a software engineering mindset and practices to building and testing applications and the underlying cloud infrastructure. This includes using standard programming languages, applying software principles such as reusability and abstractions and testing, and leveraging the rich ecosystem of software development tools.

Proposals can include topics such as cloud infrastructure and modern application development best practices, open source projects, tooling practices, cultural practices, and more.

 Examples of Topics:

  • Reusable infrastructure practices
  • Docker, containers, or Kubernetes
  • Building React Native, cloud-based apps
  • Serverless apps development
  • Data science and ML apps
  • Sharing your open source project

Deploy Track

Cloud engineering teams deploy modern cloud applications and infrastructure through unified and automated delivery processes with thorough testing. Often this means deploying infrastructure and application code together through a CI/CD process that builds, tests, and deploys cloud applications. Many others build shared services platforms that automatically deploy approved infrastructure for end-users, such as developers. These capabilities enable: using a unified infrastructure & Application CI/CD Pipeline, applying automated infrastructure testing, or programmatically managing infrastructure deployments.

Proposals can include best practices and experiences for CI/CD, infrastructure testing practices, deployment techniques and strategies, shared services platforms or internal cloud platforms, deployment frameworks, and cultural practices.

Examples of Topics:

  • CI/CD practices
  • How to empower developers across your organization with shared services platforms or internal cloud platforms
  • Orchestrating workflows and microservices
  • Share your open source project

 Manage Track

Cloud engineering teams manage cloud applications and infrastructure with Policy as Code, visibility, and access controls. For example, they manage infrastructure with policies that detect configuration drift, enforce best practices, and even prevent compliance violations before deployment. They build visibility across their cloud infrastructure so that they always understand its current and past states, including detailed audit history. Finally, they ensure the proper guardrails and controls are set in place so that distributed teams can securely develop.

Proposals can include themes around Policy-as-Code and compliance, security & governance, managing security & compliance within organizations and teams, and cultural practices.

 Examples of topics:

  • Security & governance
  • Observability and monitoring
  • How to manage cloud access and controls across organizations


We want to make it as simple and transparent as possible to participate in the conference. Therefore, all sessions are presented and recorded virtually. If your session is selected, here are the ground rules and a few legal considerations.

Live Interaction with Attendees

Although your session will be prerecorded, offering a live Q&A component following the run of your material is something attendees enjoy and can be mutually beneficial. We will notify you of the scheduled run time of your session weeks before and hope you can support this feature.

Get Approval to Present Before Submitting

Get approval BEFORE submitting. We've accepted submissions but the presenter is not approved to speak by their organization. This isn't just disappointing for you; it is for us, too.

Check with your legal department. Check with your marketing department. Check with your manager. Let them know you will be presenting live, online and the session will be recorded for viewing after your presentation. Get their approval before submitting.

Session Times

Sessions run 20 minutes each and will be pre-recorded. After your pre-recorded session, you will take part in a live fireside chat with the host of your track.

Code of Conduct:


It can be nerve-wracking when presenting online. Our team of experienced Track Chairs and moderators will work to make it so you can give your presentation with the least amount of concern over logistics. We want you to worry about delivering your content, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Promotion of the Event

We’ve got a marketing campaign set up to help promote the conference and your session starting a month and a half before the event. It will include your name, presentation, and anything else we can fit to encourage people to attend your session. We’ll start with a concentrated opt-in email campaign and supplement it with social media promotion. 

Support for Your Presentation

You won’t be left alone to “sink or swim” during your presentation. Your track hosts and moderators will help with any technology glitches and support you with audience involvement and participation.

Speakers will be notified by August 27th.