Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 44 days ago

Codegarden 2024

event starts

11 Jun 2024

event ends

14 Jun 2024


DOK5000 Odense, Denmark

Codegarden is the biggest International Umbraco conference in the world, organized by Umbraco HQ - the company behind the Umbraco CMS. 

We want Codegarden to be the experimental experience for developers and people working with Umbraco. To do this, our goals are to give current and future Umbracians from around the world the chance to be informed, inspired and to create a space where they can share knowledge among Umbraco professionals. Moreover, Codegarden is the right place to connect, share ideas, and attend great sessions ranging from general topics to niche technical sessions, and case studies. 

Who can join the Codegarden stage? 

We would like to see the best Codegarden program ever, with a diverse speaker lineup. To make that happen, we need your ideas and input. We want to hear from developers, designers, and practicioners from every corner of the Umbraco ecosystem. Whether you have in mind a great in-depht technical session targeting developers, a creative sessions targeting designers or content creators, or a case-study targeting the wider audience, the Codegarden stage is the place to present it! 

finished 174 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 2:00 PM

14 Nov 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

04 Feb 2024

Call closes in Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

What is the Umbraco HQ focus at Codegarden? 

The main focus from Umbraco HQ at Codegarden 2024 will be the new Umbraco Back Office, as Umbraco V14 will be launched. This will be accompanied by State of the Union talks around Umbraco Cloud, Umbraco Commerce and Umbraco Back Office, presented by Umbraco HQ'ers. 

What type of talk submissions are we looking for 

We are on the lookout for sessions that captivate, educate, and resonate with our audience - Umbraco enthusiasts. This can be deep-dive tech talks, innovative design tales, successful and inspiring user experiences, digital sustainability initiatives, or developer life. 

We encourage new talk submissions that haven't been presented to an audience of +100 attendees prior to Codegarden 2024. 

For 2024, we have no set categories to submit under in order to open up for more creative and diverse talks - so get that idea of yours in! 

 What if I have another new idea?

We welcome any new ideas you have for a talk that you believe would be a great fit for the Codegarden stage and audience. However, there are talks that we are unable to include in the program as they are not aligned with the conference goals: 

  • Promotional talks and pitches 
  • Proposals that do not comply with Codegarden's Code of Conduct 

Session length 

For Codegarden 2024 you can indicate if you prefer 30 minutes or 60 minutes for your session. This also includes the time for any Q&A. This means that the Q&A is optional for each speaker to include or not include in their presentation.

Event format 

Codegarden 2024 is going to be a hybrid event. All sessions will be recorded and livestreamed and they will be available to our online ticketholders. Online attendees can choose to join with a free online ticket, giving them access to limited content, or they can buy an online ticket, giving them access to all content during Codegarden 2024 and after. 
All sessions will be public available on the Umbraco YouTube channel in September 2024. 

How are the speakers selected? 

A panel of reviewers with different backgrounds and perspectives will review all submitted proposals. Each reviewer will rate each submission and add a comment. Once the first review is finished, the next phase starts by discussing the top-rated proposals. The final decision is made based on the time slots available and the diversity of the topics. 

As much as we would like to accept as many proposals as possible, we are not always able to confirm a time slot for each of the proposals that received a positive review. 

Can I submit more than one proposal? 

Each speaker can submit up to two proposals.
Due to logistics around sessions, program, and speaker management, co-speakers are not allowed. If you would like to bring a co-speaker to your session, please add a note to the organizers for exceptional cases (for example, you are submitting a case study that covers technical and commercial aspects highlighting the exceptional use of Umbraco). 

Will it be possible to join as a remote speaker? 

No. Speaking remotely at Codegarden 2024 is not an opportunity, as we want to give the speaker the best possible experience when speaking at our conference. We believe that the best speaking experience come from attending and delivering in-person. 

What does Umbraco offer me as a speaker? 

When you are selected as one of our speakers, you will get access to our brilliant speaker coach, Adam Montandon from Speakers Impact network. Adam will help you in both group and individual sessions, and he will be available to you to help you figure out what works (and what doesn't work), so that you can really shine on the Codegarden stage, and make sure your unique voice comes across in a way that you are happy with. 

You are obligated to join at least one session with Adam, but we advice you to use him as much as you see fit. All speaker coach sessions are covered by Umbraco. 

Moreover, Umbraco will cover your travel and accommodation expenses, you will receive a free ticket to the 3-day event with access to all social activities, including the Codegarden Pre-Party, as well as a small token of appreciation. 

What if I need help with my submission or my talk? Who can help?

If you have any questions or uncertainties about your submision or your talk, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Umbraco Events Team at

When can I expect to hear back from you? 

We are accepting submissions from the 14th of November 2023

The submissions automatically close on the 2nd of February 2024 at 11:59 pm CET

You will hear from us no later than the 15th of March 2024

*If you have already purchased a ticket for Codegarden 2024, and you get selected as a speaker, you can get your ticket refunded or choose to assign it to someone else. 

Diversity pledge 

We believe that a diverse environment fosters creativity, knowledge sharing, and innovation. To achieve this, we are actively seeking to increase the diversity of the Codegarden speakers and attendees through the active support of a diverse speaker lineup and offering diversity tickets.

At Codegarden 2024 we aim to feature speakers from different backgrounds, genders, and geographic locations. Therefore, we encourage people from all backgrounds, abilities, and experiences to submit their proposals.

Furthermore, we are committed to creating an event that falls in line with our Code of Conduct provideing a safe, inclusive and hence, fun atmosphere for all who attend.

Find more information on Diversity and Inclusion on our website

Other practical information 

  • Please submit a speaker bio and speaker picture, as these will be displayed on the conference website, once the talk is accepted and confirmed.
  • The speaker bio should be around 600 characters and it should include your name, main jobtitle (this will be used on your nametag), where you work or serve, your expertise or experience, and a personal touch. Please submit the speaker bio in 3rd person.
  • Make the session title and description shine, and keep in mind the main takeaways from the talk, so attendees know what to expect from your presentation.
  • The Notes field is meant for any special requirements or information which doesn't fit into the description of the talk. 


expenses covered


expenses covered