Code Remix Summit is a groundbreaking event presented by Moderne, the creators of OpenRewrite, presented by No Fluff Just Stuff conferences. This summit brings together software engineers, architects, and leadership to explore innovative ways to evolve and enhance your codebase through automation, AI, and community-driven solutions.
You'll leave with practical insights and strategies to make your codebase better every day—not just for tomorrow, but for the future.
We are looking for speakers passionate about creating a culture shift where developers can impact technical debt.
Practitioner Track
In the Practitioner track, we'll have sessions that educate software engineers on ways to re-invigorate and future-proof their codebases, making it easier to build the future. These sessions may include demos exploring the power of auto-refactoring and analysis of code at scale.
Leadership Track
In the Leadership track, we'll have sessions focused on adopting strategies for leaving the legacy behind and driving new business innovation.
The speaker's hotel stay and a limited travel budget are covered by the conference.