Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 841 days ago

Data Platform WIT - Mental Wellness Day 2022

event date

8 Apr 2022



Its been well over two years into the pandemic....the tunnel has been long and is still on, although we are seeing glimpses of light. A lot of people have been through various challenges - losses of loved ones, health issues/long Covid despite being vaccinated, job challenges, inflation and in general lack of social contact and overwhelming stress around not knowing the end to all this. It would be safe to say that it has been among the most traumatic times of our lives... we at DPWIT put on a mental health and wellness day last year and it was very well received. We are doing the same again this year. This is to share our challenges and how we cope with the community - as a way of offering support/solidarity and of course, the affirmation that we are still community despite all this.

What it is about - 
1 Sharing personal experiences during this time
2 Offering simple/helpful suggestions for people to cope
3 Good humor/positivity of any kind.

What it is NOT about -
1 Offering medical diagnosis or advice of any kind.
2 Severe trauma or other triggering conditions. 

Anyone is welcome to submit.

We have two kinds of talks you can submit for - lighting talks - 10 mins, or hourly presentations - lasting 45 mins to an hour with formal slide decks if you choose to.  No presentation material is necessary. 

Our code of conduct and DEI Policy can be found here.

Who we are as organizers can be found at the bottom of the page here.

We can be reached at dataplatformwit at gmail dot com. 

finished 868 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

07 Feb 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

11 Mar 2022

Call closes in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We accept talks on coping tips through the pandemic, working from home or anything work related that would help, depression /mental health issues, stress management and anything else you can consider useful for these times. Good humor and positivity of any kind, of course, is most welcome. 

We do not accept or encourage topics dealing with medical advice on any condition, deep trauma and/or serious health issues.

You can submit for either a ten minute lightning talk, or an hour long focused presentation.Please keep all sharing honest, respectful of personal boundaries including your own.