Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,233 days ago

dataMinds Saturday

event date

13 Mar 2021



Speakers must currently reside in either Luxemburg, The Netherlands or Belgium.
We're making this a locally focused event for speakers, but free to attend for anyone. 

dataMinds Saturday will be a virtual event, hosted on March 13th 2021.
Most important of all, is that it will be free to attend for anyone. 

With the current global situation, virtual events have been held at a very rapid pace, allowing anyone to submit to any event globally. With this approach, we hope to stimulate our local speakers to step up, and start enjoying the thrill of virtual speaking as well. 

Throughout the year, and with our other events we welcome any speaker with open arms, but making sure our local talent can grow, is still one of our primary goals as a local user group in Belgium.

To conclude, a reminder that should be obvious to anyone. We believe that anyone should be able to attend our event, regardless of their race, beliefs, gender, ..
We require everyone to adhere to our Code of Conduct, and will remove anyone that doesn't do so. 

finished 1,273 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

22 Dec 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Jan 2021

Call closes in Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The session length for all sessions is 60 minutes, in which 5 minutes are blocked for Q&A. Speakers are advised to not run over the allotted time, to allow the next speaker to prepare, and the attendees to take a small break.

The sessions will be held in 4 tracks throughout the day. Please submit your session to which of these tracks you think it's linked the most. If need be, the organisation can swap sessions to different tracks, if we deem it necessary.  

  • Analytics
  • Administration
  • Visualisation
  • Architecture

Sessions can be submitted in either English, French, or Dutch. Bear in mind that English is our preferred language, to optimise our reach.
Yet, being able to present in a language you're more fluent in, can drastically lower the barrier for some people to submit. 

When in doubt, don't hesitate to contact us!

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page

event fee

free for speakers


73 submissions
Submitted sessions
André Kamman
  • A Python primer for DBAs
  • Practical Data Distribution in Dedicated SQL Pools
Kurt Buhler
  • Find and Seek: Leveraging visual & functional best practices for actionable Power BI reports
  • User Adoption of Your Report - Starting Off on the Right Foot
Egon Vandenrijdt
  • How to enrich your vision on data using Cognitive Services in DataBricks and PowerBI
Michiel Van Brusselen
  • I Lambda, therefore I am
Yoshi Coppens
  • Orchestration in Big Data: What is Airflow and how does it add value?
Louis Dubaere
  • Infrastructure as Code: How to set up your (Azure) infrastructure in a matter of minutes
Ynte Jan Kuindersma
  • Modelling your data
Els van Vessem
  • How to get a running start at a new job, without getting lost.
Joris Poelmans
  • The hitchhikers/data consultants guide to the Business Application Platform universe.
Arno Coppens
  • Power BI like a Pro
show all submissions
Floriant Sturm
  • Why you need Machine Learning Ops & how you can get started using MLflow.
Bert Baeckelmans
  • Introduction to Process Mining using PAFnow and Power Bi
Eldert Grootenboer
  • A Guide Through The Azure Messaging Services
Prince Kher
  • Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI
  • AI in Power BI
Sagar Lad
  • Metadata Based Ingestion Framework using Data Factory
Kevin Chant
  • GitHub DevOps Duet - dataminds Saturday Edition
  • Azure DevOps duet - dataminds Saturday edition
Sam Vanhoutte
  • Streamlining your Machine Learning projects with Azure Machine Learning
Christian Vandekerkhove
  • Replication using Always On Clusters
Stijn Wynants
  • Azure Synapse Analytics, How to report at the speed of light!
  • Reporting on 1.4B rows with Serverless SQL Pools
Fabien Adato
  • La Big Data en temps réel grâce à Azure
  • Azure Synapse Analytics : La question Data elle est vite répondue !
Pieter Vanhove
  • How to solve common data security requirements
Hugo Kornelis
  • Now Where Did THAT Estimate Come From?
  • From adaptive to intelligent: query processing in SQL 2019
  • Execution plans ... where do I start?
Jan Pieter Posthuma
  • Manage your Power BI resources with the Power BI CLI
Sander Allert
  • Power BI Premium Per User & Paginated Reporting
  • Using Azure Synapse Serverless SQL Pool to create a Low-Cost Data Lakehouse
Nico Jacobs
  • Deceptive DAX
  • Data governance with Azure Purview
  • From ETL to ML with Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Machine Learning on auto-pilot: Automated Machine Learning
Koen Verbeeck
  • Self-service BI - Why Data Modelling Is Still Important
  • Practical Data Visualization Best Practices
  • T-SQL Best Practices and Tuning for the BI Developer
Paul Andrew
  • Azure Orchestration - Applying Data Factory in Production
  • Creating a Metadata Driven Orchestration Framework in Azure
  • An Architects Guide to Delivering Data Insights on the Microsoft Azure Data Platform
  • An Introduction to Azure Synapse - What is it? Why use it? And how?
Kasper de Jonge
  • Power BI composite models and aggregations
Tomaž Kaštrun
  • Model Interpretability and explainability with Azure Machine Learning
  • Automate your social life with Azure
  • Applied data analytics with Azure Databricks
Brisa Renteria
  • How To Predict Your Sales Candidate's Success Before You Hire Them
Yitzhak David
  • SQL Server 2019 on containers and Kubernetes(k8s) from zero to an hero !
  • Data virtualization with SQL Server 2019 PolyBase and integration with Power BI
  • Data virtualization with SQL Server 2019 PolyBase and integration with Power BI .
  • T-SQL Window Functions in SQL Server 2019
Joost van Rossum
  • Rest APIs instead of scripting in Azure Data Factory
David Alzamendi
  • Real time information with Azure and Power BI, breaking the 3 second barrier
  • Azure Synapse Analytics: one-stop-shop for analytics
  • Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI
Dean Savović
  • Cardinality Estimator SQL Server 2014-2019
  • SQL Server 2019 Intelligent Query Processing
Gonzalo Bissio
  • Azure SQL DB Serverless, a new autonomous database?
Gaston Cruz
  • Dataflows AI Capabilities
Javier Villegas
  • Performance Features in SQL Server and Azure SQL
  • Introduction to Azure SQL
  • Introduction to Azure Data Platform
Lex Smeets
  • Row Level Security in Power BI
Marc Lelijveld
  • Accidental Power BI Administrator
  • External tools for Power BI, how to create them!
  • Drive a data culture in your organization
Sjoerd Borneman
  • Infrastructure-as-Code for your Data Solution in Azure: Terraform & ARM
Erwin de Kreuk
  • Azure Key Vault, Azure Dev Ops and Azure Synapse Pipelines,how do these Azure Services work perfectl
  • Azure Purview Microsoft's answer to Data Governance and Data Lineage
  • Is there a way that we can build our Azure Synapse Pipelines all with parameters based on MetaData?
Hristo Hristov
  • PowerApps, SharePoint & PowerBi: Better Together