Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 253 days ago

DDD Adelaide 2023

event date

18 Nov 2023


University of Adelaide Adelaide, Australia


Our goal

We want to encourage people that wouldn't normally speak at conferences to give it a go!

Hot tips

Make the Session title and Session description really shine -  along with the format, level and tags they are the only fields that will be shown for anonymous voting by the public. All other values are only seen by organisers (apart from your bio which is shown on the agenda if your talk is chosen). Note: we are asking a number of optional demographic questions to allow us to report on our efforts to promote diversity of submissions.

We've found some great advice for presenting at:

Code of Conduct

By submitting a talk to DDD Adelaide you agree to uphold and setting an example of upholding the DDD Adelaide Code of Conduct.

finished 325 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 8:00 AM

01 Aug 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

06 Sep 2023

Call closes in Cen. Australia Standard Time (UTC+09:30) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

DDD Adelaide is an inclusive non-profit conference for the Adelaide software community. We welcome presentations from any topic relevant to the software industry; if voters think your presentation is interesting, it's in!

Before submitting a presentation please consider the following:  

  • We have an enforced code of conduct to ensure a friendly atmosphere.
  • We have anonymous presentation voting; we will only show the title, abstract and tags of a talk to voters to remove unconscious bias.
  • You will likely be speaking to an audience of between 50-100 people.
  • Your talk slot will be 45 minutes - this will require at least 35 minutes of content, with 5-10 minutes of question time at the end.
  • You are welcome to submit a talk with a co-presenter or as a team.
  • You are welcome to submit at most 3 unique talks (i.e. each one in a different topic/category)
  • Presentations are not a sales presentation although you are welcome to have a slide or two about yourself and your company.
  • You will probably have internet access, but you should have a backup plan in case it's unavailable.
  • We will open voting about 2 months prior to the event. If your presentation gets voted in and you agree to present, then this is a serious commitment.
  • You are welcome to submit up to 3 presentations, if you have multiple presentations that are voted in then we will only select one to be on the agenda.

Questions? Fire off an email and we'll get right back to you :)

event fee

free for speakers

Unfortunately, we can't cover flights and accommodation for speakers.