Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,078 days ago

DDI Camp

event starts

13 Aug 2021

event ends

14 Aug 2021



Drupal Diversity & Inclusion, an independent working group within the Drupal community, is holding the first-ever Drupal Diversity & Inclusion (DDI) camp! Our aim is to bring new voices and important topics together into a relaxed and fun virtual conference. 

This event exists to center and elevate marginalized voices in the Drupal & web community. We want to hear about what you want to talk about!

Speakers will receive free admission to the camp and a small stipend as a thank you for their work!

Tickets can also be purchased here:

finished 1,096 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

21 Jun 2021

Call closes at 5:59 PM

26 Jul 2021

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

We want to know what’s important to the marginalized people in our community: People of color, women, LGBTQIA2S+ folx, religious minorities, people from the Global South, neurodivergent or disabled techies, and many others we couldn’t begin to name. Whether you’re a site builder, content creator, developer, designer, or any other kind of person in the Drupal world, we’d love to hear from you.

That’s you - what have you experienced? What has your experience in Drupal, tech, or the wider world been like? Teach us something! This isn’t a traditional Drupal Camp - we aren’t looking for any specific topics. Rather, we are looking to elevate marginalized speakers. Talks could cover all kinds of topics, including: 

  • How you’ve gotten to where you are, and where you’re going. Share your career struggles and job-hunting woes and successes.
  • Something awesome you’ve worked on, whether it’s technical, social, both, or neither. If you have a technical talk you want to give, submit it! 
  • If you have a people-oriented talk, go for it! We want to know how you relate to others, how you work with people, what you wish people knew, and much, much more.
  • If you want to talk about something else and you have no idea how to categorize it, submit that too! 

We don’t require any prior speaking experience, though if you have some, we’d love to know about it. You don’t need to be a part of the Drupal community to participate. 

We are planning to have 30 minute talks, delivered on Zoom. That time will include any Q&A, should you choose to include it - it’s not required. We’ll also have a Slack channel for the event so that any questions can be answered there, and we can have a “hallway track” during the event. 

All participants will be expected to abide by the DrupalCon Event Code of Conduct, which can be found here:

event fee

free for speakers