Over 65% of senior engineering roles today require automation skills. Knowing where and when to automate is what turns a good developer into a great developer and allows their teams to move their development to the next level. Destination: Automation 2021 provides a free digital event exploring ways organizations can embrace automation to make their applications and underlying tech stacks more efficient, secure and resilient. Featured sessions will examine how practitioners can use automation to overcome challenges and enhance the benefits of microservices, service mesh, Kubernetes and more. In these sessions, attendees will discover how to use automation to unblock development workflows, ensure consistency and stability across systems, and improve overall developer experience. Join us to share your expertise about how automation can help our organizations accelerate their adoption of modern practices.
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To submit, please click "next" to complete the submission form. Speakers will be accepted until Sunday June 20 at 11:59 PM PDT.
If you have any questions, email events@konghq.com or visit https://konghq.com/events/destination-automation.