Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,210 days ago

DeveloperWeek Global (Management, Cloud, Enterprise) 2021

event starts

7 Dec 2021

event ends

8 Dec 2021



DeveloperWeek Global virtual conferences series are fully immersive, live digital events including: keynotes & thought leadership talks, Q&As, technical workshops, product & technology demos, a live virtual expo hall, online 1:1 networking, chats, AMAs, and contests/prizes.

DeveloperWeek Global is produced by DevNetwork, the team behind DeveloperWeek. DevNetwork has created the largest developer conferences for the last decade, with 25,000+ live attendees annually. We are moving conferences online with the DeveloperWeek Global virtual conference series.

DeveloperWeek Global: Management (May 11-12, 2021)

DeveloperWeek Global: Management is the premiere virtual conference & expo for engineering managers, dev team leads, and dev executives. Join 2,000+ virtual attendees for a fully immersive education and innovation experience, where you can learn about team management and developer technology decisions. Browse the DeveloperWeek Global: Management 2021 tracks.

DeveloperWeek Global: Cloud (September 14 -15, 2021)

DeveloperWeek Global: Cloud (Sep 14-15) is the largest digital convergence for international cloud computing and development.  

2,000+ cloud engineers & developers, IT managers, and tech professionals will converge to discover this year’s newest cloud computing innovations. Browse the DeveloperWeek Global: Cloud 2021 tracks.

DeveloperWeek Global: Enterprise (December 7-8, 2021) 

DeveloperWeek Global: Enterprise (Dec 7-8) is the largest virtual conference covering the newest trends & tools for enterprise & IT development & engineering.  

3,500+ enterprise software & development professionals will converge online, featuring tracks on emerging technologies that corporations need to understand. Browse the DeveloperWeek Global: Enterprise 2021 tracks

finished 1,277 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

31 Dec 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Oct 2021

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

DeveloperWeek Global (Management, Cloud & Enterprise) 2021: Call for Speakers

Thank you for your interest in speaking at a DeveloperWeek Global Conference in 2021.

All speakers will be presenting talks live & virtually. 

Please be sure to complete all fields in the proposal form. All speaker decisions are made by the Advisory Board and all speakers must submit via this Call for Speakers process (No exceptions). 

DeveloperWeek Global: Management 2021 (May 11 - 12, 2021)

First Round proposal deadline is Friday, February 26, 2021.

Final Round proposal deadline is Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

DeveloperWeek Global: Cloud 2021 (September 14 - 15, 2021)

First Round proposal deadline is Friday, June 11, 2021.

Final Round proposal deadline is Friday, July 23, 2021.

DeveloperWeek Global: Enterprise 2021 (December 7 - 8, 2021)

First Round proposal deadline is Friday, September 3, 2021.

Final Round proposal deadline is Friday, October 1, 2021.

*Note: If your proposal gets selected in the First Round we will send you an acceptance email. If it doesn't get selected it will carry over to the Second Round. Upon conclusion of the Second Round, all applicants will receive either an acceptance or rejection email.

Advice about speaker proposals:

1- DevNetwork conferences aim for a balanced representation of backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, ages, and roles for its speakers. Towards that goal, we ask that companies submitting speaker proposals make sure to submit executives from their companies representing a balanced diversity.

2- Please review our conference tracks for DeveloperWeek Global 2021.

We are especially looking for talks on these topics. Proposals submitted on these topics have a higher chance of being accepted.

event fee

free for speakers

Accepted speakers receive one ( 1) Speaker PRO Pass + one (1) Speaker Guest PRO pass to DeveloperWeek 2020.