Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,889 days ago

Devfest Algiers 2019

event starts

25 Oct 2019

event ends

26 Oct 2019


Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'informatique Algiers, Algeria

DevFests are community-led developer events hosted by Google Developer Groups around the globe. For its 7th edition, DevFest Algiers 2019 will be hosted by GDG Algiers and WTM Algiers to give it a special touch, the event will run through 3 days, 24th,25th and the 26th of October, rich with conferences, workshops and a hackathon that will have “Diversity and inclusion” as a theme.

finished 1,916 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

17 Aug 2019

Call closes at 11:59 PM

28 Sep 2019

Call closes in W. Central Africa Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

What to expect?

Conference format

Should we make to categories? (Quick talks : 15-20min / Conferences : 30-40min / Workshop : approx 4h )
No questions are asked after the talk.
Speakers are invited to interact with the participant after their talks to answer their questions and continue the dialogue on the presented topic.

The number of speakers per talk: 2 Max.

You can present your conference from your own computer, or provide us with the slides in advance. No slide theme is required.

List of topics
Contributions are welcome but not restricted to:

  • Big Data / ML / AI : Big Data, Machine Learning, AI
  • Cloud/infra : GCP, AWS, Azure, Kubernetes, etc.
  • Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
  • Mobile (Android, Flutter…)
  • UI/UX
  • Software Engineering (Programming language, concepts …)

Submission guidelines
Please make sure to have these fields answered on your submission :

General information :

A short Biography
Links to social profiles
On what language can you deliver the talk?
Link to your previous talks recording (optional)

Session details :

Session complexity (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
Track (Android, AR/VR, UX..)
Please list the events where you did this talk (if there are)