Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 836 days ago

DevFest 22 Algiers

event starts

1 Dec 2022

event ends

3 Dec 2022


To be defined Algiers, Algeria

DevFests are community-led developer events hosted by Google Developer Groups around the globe. For its 11th edition, DevFest Algiers 2022 will be hosted by GDG Algiers and WTM Algiers to give it a special touch. The event will run on a span of 3 days: the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd of December.

It will be rich with conferences, challenges, and a big competition where participants will have to build solutions to a specific problem.

finished 868 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 10:00 PM

29 Sep 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Oct 2022

Call closes in Romance Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

This year's focus will be on the content. We are looking for speakers like you, who are ready to rock the stage and deliver the best talks in the field.

We're looking for experience-based talks, the information that can not be found in the documentation or easily googled. We're looking for your stories, your struggles, research results, and experiences with the frontier tools or technologies. we're also interested in local success/failure experiences under Algerian or at least African circumstances.

Conference format

- Quick talks: 15-20min, the speaker can talk about a general topic (technical or non-technical) this should include a 2-5 min discussion session.

- Conferences: 30-40min, the speaker can tackle a more specific and detailed content this should include a 5-10 min discussion session.

The number of speakers per talk: 2 Max.

Event Format

- The event is planned to be an in-person event.

List of topics :

Contributions are welcome but not restricted to :

- Software Engineering

    - Software Engineering aspects, Software Testing, Software Architecture, Code Quality.

- Mobile

    - Android & Kotlin, Flutter related topics

    - Mobile Cloud Computing

- Big Data / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence

    - Deep Learning, Statistical Learning, Neural Networks, Object, Character, Graphical & Text Recognition, Machine Learning Applications, Data Mining, Data Science, Data Analysis ...

- Cyber security

    - Penetration Testing, CyberSecurity Tools, CyberSecturity Techniques, DevSecOps

- Cloud Computing

    - Public Cloud technologies by the major players (GCP, AWS, Azure and others)

    - Talks related to Cloud Native : App Definition and, Development, Orchestration & Management

- UI/UX design

    - Research, Visual Design, Usability, User interface design, Interaction design, Design testing

- Motion/Graphic design

- Community Related Talks

    - WTM or GDG communities: You can introduce your community and talk about your past and upcoming events

    - Other Communities: You can introduce your community and talk about your past and upcoming events of your community, and share your best practices with fellow community organizers.

- Entrepreneurship

    - You can talk about topics like leadership, experience sharing, Strategy, and Vision conception

Additional guidelines :

We strongly encourage and would appreciate it for our speakers to :

- Deliver the talk in an audience-friendly way, and that is regarding the used language, and the simplification of technical terms when necessary

- Keep an enthusiastic interaction with the audience

- Keep an open mind for the audience's questions regarding the discussed topic

Talks that will not pass the initial review

    - Talks whose focus is pitching a company or project. It’s cool that you mention your company during the presentation, but it shouldn’t be the focus of the talk.

    - Recruitment talks to attract talent.

Any questions? Cannot find a matching topic you would propose? No worries.

Email organizers at and let's discuss details.