Call for Speakers

Deadline for submissions: May 7, 2021.

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,396 days ago

DevFest Live

event date

22 May 2021




DevFest Live is an international online conference, that will take place on 22 May 2021.

The event will bring together developers from all around the world to a virtual environment to learn from each other and have fun.

The event is organized by an international team of developers from Europe, Asia and Africa.

finished 1,410 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Sep 2020

Call closes at 12:00 AM

08 May 2021

Call closes in Central Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

This year's focus will be on the content. We are looking for speakers like you, who are ready to rock the online stage and deliver the best talks in the field.

We accept proposals on the topic of Mobile, Web, Cloud, Cloud Native, ML/AI, VR/AR, Security and UX design but other topics eg. Google Developer GroupsWomen in technology, Community, Arts & Visuals, etc. are also welcome.


Android & Kotlin, Flutter related topics:

  • Development, Testing & Debugging, Performance & optimization, Deployment, APIs, Tooling, Ecosystem

Mobile Cloud Computing:

  • Mobile & Cloud interaction


Public Cloud technologies by the major players (GCP, AWS, Azure and others):

  • Compute, Storage and Databases, Big Data, IoT, Machine Learning, Identity & Security, Tooling

Cloud Native

Topics related to Cloud Native technologies eg projects listed on the CNCF Cloud Native Landscape:

  • App Definition and Development, Orchestration & Management, Runtime, Provisioning, Platforms, Observability and Analysis


Topics related to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:

  • Deep Learning, Statistical Learning, Neural Networks, Object, Character, Graphical & Text Recognition, Cognitive Computing and Science Applications, Machine Learning Applications

UI/UX design

Topics related to User Interface and User Experience design:

  • Research, Visual design, Information architecture, Interaction design, Usability, Accessibility, WCAG compliance, Human–computer interaction, Visual design, User interface design, Interaction design, User experience in video games, Design testing


Topics related to Virtual and Augmented Reality.


Development related Security topics:

  • DevSecOps, Secure Coding, Application Security testing, API Design, etc 
  • Security topics related to the to other tracks.


Web development related topics:

  • Polymer, AMP, Angular, New Web Standards, Tooling, Markup Languages, Development Tools/Environment, CSS, JavaScript, Networks, HTTP, and Servers, Web Applications, Front End Libraries and Frameworks, Behavioral analysis and Personalization, Web search systems and applications


Topics related to Google Developer Groups:

  • You can introduce your community and talk about your past and upcoming events eg DevFests, Study Jams, hackatrons, etc, and share your best practices with fellow community organizers.


Topics related to Women in technology.

  • You can introduce your community and talk about your past and upcoming events eg WTM Summits, Study Jams, hackatrons, and share your best practices with fellow community organizers.


Community related topics

  • You can introduce your community and talk about your past and upcoming events of your community, and share your best practices with fellow community organizers.

Arts & Visuals

Interesting technology related Art and Visual projects.

We're looking for experience-based talks, the information that can not be found in the documentation or easily googled. We're looking for your stories, your struggles, research results and experiences with the frontier tools or technologies.

We are interested in anything that squarely fits into the spectrum of:

  • Cutting-edge technological advances in the world of the above topics
  • Wild ideas & clever hacks that others can learn from
  • Improving developer's life and productivity
  • Lessons learned from successful and disastrous project launches
  • Whatever you consider useful for the community

You can submit as many talks as you want. This year we accept submissions in the following formats:

  • 15 minutes lightning talks
  • 30 minutes sessions

Talks that will not pass initial review

  • Talks whose focus is pitching a company or project. It’s cool that you mention your company during the presentation, but it shouldn’t be the focus of the talk.
  • Proposals that are not in English.
  • Recruitment talks to attract talent.

Call for Speakers submission deadline is May 7, 2021.

Any questions? Cannot find a matching topic you would propose? No worries.

Email organizers at and let's discuss details.