Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 591 days ago

Devopsdays New York City 2023

event starts

6 Jun 2023

event ends

7 Jun 2023


John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 524 W 59th St, New York, NY 10019

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Each event is run by volunteers from the local area.

finished 635 days ago
Call for Proposals
Call opens at 12:00 AM

25 Mar 2023

Call closes at 3:00 AM

24 Apr 2023

Call closes in Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-04:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Types of accepted proposals:

  • Ignite: 5 minute talks with 20 slides that auto-advance.
  • 30 Minute Session: 30 minutes to speak on the topic of your choice. You may reserve some of this time for questions at the end.

General Guidelines:

  • Be specific about what attendees will get out of your session.
  • Be concise.
  • Make up to 3 proposals
  • Presentations must conform to the code of conduct.
  • Presentation content must reflect the accepted submission.

What we're looking for:

  • Broad appeal: How will your session play out in a room of people with a variety of backgrounds, roles, and skill levels?
  • New local presenters: You are the only one who can tell your story. We are very interested in the challenges and successes being experienced in our local area communities. We are happy to provide guidance/coaching for new speakers upon request.
  • Under-represented voices: We want to hear all voices, including those that may speak less frequently at similar events. Don't let your field, role, background, or personal characteristics hold you back! Your story is valuable.
  • Original content: We will consider talks that have already been presented elsewhere, but we prefer talks that the local area isn’t likely to have already seen.

What we're NOT looking for:

  • Third-party submissions: This is a small community-driven event, and speakers need to be directly engaged with the organizers and attendees. We will not accept proposals submitted by a 3rd party.
  • Vendor pitches/demos: We value vendors and sponsors, however we will not accept a proposal that appears to be a pitch for a product or service. Instead, please consider sponsoring the event. We have sponsorships available at multiple levels that provide your company a table where you can demo your product or service, and/or dedicated time to pitch the audience between talks.

Review and Acceptance:

  • We conduct a multi-pass review of all proposes that begins with a blinded review. Please omit any and all details from your proposal that would identify who you are. Please only provide this info in submission fields that explicitly ask for it.
  • We are aiming to notify of accepted proposals 1 week after CFP close.
  • Ignite rehearsal will take place the day prior to the event.
  • We encourage all 30 min speakers to rehearse their talk with us leading up to the event, but can accept a recording or annotated slides in certain cases when that is not possible.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Devops Days New York is a 100% volunteer run nonprofit. We reimburse hotel and flight expenses in excess of employer reimbursement up to $1000. Please indicate if you will take advantage of this benefit so we can plan our budget accordingly.