Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,232 days ago

DevOpsDays Oslo 2021

event date

16 Nov 2021


Rebel, Universitetsgata 2, 0164 Oslo Oslo, Norway

DevOpsDays Oslo is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners. It brings together leaders in Software Development and IT Operations to collaborate and learn from each other. It is both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes, and structure within organizations. We encourage both technologists and business people to attend, learn and share experiences.

This year we will have a one-day event with a mix of 30-minutes presentations, ignite presentations, and open spaces.

A great opportunity for networking, mingling, and having a good time!

finished 1,246 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 PM

22 Sep 2021

Call closes at 12:00 PM

01 Nov 2021

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Submit as many proposals as you like. We are accepting ignite talks and normal 30-minute long talks.

What topics are we looking for?

Devopsdays is a conference covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. That means a broad range of topics could fit into our program, and it would be hard make a list of all. At previous conferences, talks have covered topics like  automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.

If you have an idea for a talk, and need help to turn it into a presentation, please contact us and we will be happy to help you!

What helps your proposal get accepted?

  • Make sure your abstract is sufficiently long and detailed.
  • Hint not only at the problem, but also at the solution.
  • Touch on why your experience matters and give data points where helpful.
  • Hearing what worked is great and hearing what didn’t work and what you learned from it is even better.
  • If you have spoken before, include links. If you have never spoken publicly, tell us that, too. We’re looking for a mix of new and experienced speakers.

Some factors we consider when we assemble the final program includes (but is not limited to)...

  • Broad appeal: How will your talk play out in a room of people with a variety of backgrounds? Remember that Devopsdays is a single track conference. Not everyone in the room will use your specific tool.
  • Original content: content not yet presented at other conferences, or a new angle to an existing problem
  • New presenters: people who are new to space and have insightful stuff to say; we want to hear everybody's voice
  • Local presenters: We like to include stories about challenges and successes experienced in our local area.
  • Under-represented voices: We want to hear all voices, including those that may speak less frequently at similar events.
  • No vendor pitches: we value vendors and sponsors, but this is not the right forum
  • No third-party submissions. If a PR firm or your marketing department is proposing the talk, you’ve already shown that as a speaker you’re distant from the process. This is a small community-driven event, and speakers need to be directly engaged with the organizers and attendees.

We are happy to provide guidance/coaching for new (and old) speakers (please ask us!).

We want our content to be inclusive - be mindful of the audience. All presentations must conform to the Code of Conduct

event fee

free for speakers

This year we are accepting primarily local speakers to avoid unnecessary travels.