Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 837 days ago

DevOpsDays Tel Aviv 2022

event starts

14 Dec 2022

event ends

15 Dec 2022


Expo Tel Aviv Tel Aviv, Israel

DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Topics often include automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.

DevOpsDays TLV is the foremost DevOps event in the Levant, running for more than 9 years, seeing 1100+ hands-on DevOps practitioners, from DevOps, platform, infrastructure and production engineers, to SREs, architects, system engineers, through CTOs and VPs of Engineering over the course of two-days.

DevOpsDays Tel Aviv will be colocated this year with Cloud Native & OSS Tel Aviv - it will be an IN-PERSON ONLY EVENT

finished 942 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

31 May 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Aug 2022

Call closes in Jerusalem Daylight Time (UTC+03:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

This year's DevOpsDays Tel Aviv (co-located with Cloud Native & OSS Tel Aviv), will focus on how to make us better engineers across the stack by working more effectively with other groups, as well as understanding how to improve the business. 

To this end we would like talks that focus on the following categories:

  • Platform / Production Engineering / SRE / DevOps - With a focus on the methods and practices to work more effectively and cross-functionally––from CI/CD to GitOps, monitoring and observability, through automation––to power unprecedented scale and velocity demands.
  • DevEx (Developer Experience) - The end-to-end experience for engineers when selecting architecture patterns, tech stacks, tool chains with a focus on their interoperability, impact on their productivity and user experience - particularly in a new world of remote and distributed operations.
  • Business & Culture - Operational costs and optimizations, communication and collaboration, environmental impact, cultural and team-based aspects that affect operations and delivery.

What you should think about before you submit:

There will be DevOps and Cloud Native & OSS tracks - so make your submission as compelling as possible.

Ask yourself questions like:

  • Why this talk? What makes it a must see for those attending the audience?
  • Is this talk related to the subjects the conference covers?
  • Have I proofread the content and done a grammatical review?
  • Does this content already exist online? (DevOpsDays makes an effort to bring new content to its audience).
  • Is the topic of the talk directly related to a product or service my company offers? (Hint: If you answered yes, it probably is not the right fit.)

~/ talk language

For inclusivity purposes, as we often times have attendees from all over the globe, DevOpsDays Tel Aviv talks are expected to be delivered in English.

~/ talk formats

This year’s talk formats include:

SHORT & LONG SESSIONS. 20 or 40-Minute sessions in tracks

IGNITE. A 5-Minute fast-paced talk with (up to) 20 slides (There's the traditional ignite with auto-advancing slides, and the lighter, freestyle ignite - let us know which you are willing to do).

WORKSHOPS. 120-180 Minutes hands-on learning sessions (with supporting syllabus, and code repository)

DEMO THEATER. 10 Minutes on Demo Theater stage.  (We're happy to consider open source projects––by the community for the community––for available demo theater slots).

Suggested Topics

DEVOPSDAYS TEL AVIV covers the intersection between development and operations, with a focus on the culture, core technologies, systems, protocols & principles that are the backbone of scalable, resilient, robust, and secure systems.

CLOUD NATIVE DAY TEL AVIV is the mirror image of DevOpsDays Tel Aviv, where the focus is indeed on modern cloud native tool chains, open source projects that power the cloud native world, serverless, containers, networking, service mesh and more.

There are always many new tools, technologies, and ideas that are being pushed out every month - even every day. We are looking for talks in perennially popular technical topics & categories:

Site Reliability Engineering

  • Security
  • Automation
  • Monitoring
  • Distributed Operations IRL - Support, communication & collaboration, follow the sun


  • Engineering management & leadership
  • Distributed and remote teams - communication / collaboration, working together
  • Culture that influences the architecture, processes, and systems
  • Anxiety and burnout
  • Hiring

** Fun / Weird / Interesting Technical Talks are always welcome.**

We will also accept submissions on: 

  • System engineering primitives & fundamentals
  • CI/CD / GitOps / IaC
  • Data engineering & management
  • Cloud & cloud native practices
  • Containers, microservices, serverless & complex modern architecture
  • Building for scale, performance, resilience, and anti-fragility
  • As always, feel free to submit any other talk you think might be relevant, whether it’s a new tool or great idea about advancing DevOps culture. We want to hear from you!

~/ guidelines - The Finer Print

Like every year we are looking to include:

  • Diversity: We embrace diversity and encourage proposals from people in underrepresented parts of our community
  • Original content: content not yet presented at other conferences, or a new angle to an existing problem
  • New presenters: people who are new to the space and have insightful stuff to say; we want to hear everybody’s voice
  • No vendor pitches: we value vendors and sponsors, but this is not the right forum