DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Topics often include automation, testing, security, and organizational culture.
DevOpsDays TLV is the foremost DevOps event in the Levant, running for more than 10+ years, seeing 1300+ hands-on DevOps practitioners, from DevOps, platform, infrastructure and production engineers, to SREs, architects, system engineers, through CTOs and VPs of Engineering.
DevOpsDays Tel Aviv will be an IN-PERSON ONLY EVENT
After 10 EXCELLENT YEARS of DevOps DAYS, this year we are scaling down to a single day event, with an additional community event in partnership with AWS in April (so we’re allowing ourselves to keep the DevOpsDays name).
At this year's DevOpsDays Tel Aviv we would like to see the diversity of our TLVCommunity groups represented:
What you should think about before you submit.
Ask yourself questions like:
~/ talk language
For inclusivity purposes the main track will be in ENGLISH, as we often have attendees from all over the globe, however, we are open to having HEBREW talks in our SECOND TRACK.
~/ talk formats
We are planning on being dynamic with the talks that are submitted this year, allowing the program team to decide the ideal talk length based on the information provided in the abstract.
~/ talk level
In an effort to be able to provide attendees with a better classification of talks, we are requesting both a Track categorization and proficiency - so folks can choose sessions to attend based on their knowledge and level. There will be a preference for advanced technical sessions of 200-300 proficiency levels this year.
~ / suggested topics
DEVOPSDAYS TEL AVIV covers the intersection between development and operations, with a focus on the culture, core technologies, systems, protocols & principles that are the backbone of scalable, resilient, robust, and secure systems.
CLOUD NATIVE DAY TEL AVIV is the mirror image of DevOpsDays Tel Aviv, where the focus is indeed on modern cloud native tool chains, open source projects that power the cloud native world, containers, networking, service mesh and more.
STATSCRAFT is focused on helping engineers understand how to make monitoring easier for humans with content that dives into the tools & methods, insights on how to derive more from your data, and ensuring systems are built to empower and enable the humans behind them to have a good quality of life.
SERVERLESS NIGHTS is focused on topics that fall in the serverless operations domain. This includes practitioner stories related to operational excellence, unique edge cases, war stories and any other unique tales that relates to managing serverless systems.
~/ guidelines - The Finer Print
Like every year we are looking to include:
If you haven't logged in before, you'll be able to register.
Using social networks to login is faster and simpler, but if you prefer username/password account - use Classic Login.