Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,569 days ago

DevOpsDays Tokyo 2020

event starts

9 Apr 2020

event ends

10 Apr 2020


Osaki Bright Core Hall Tokyo, Japan

【DevOpsDays Tokyo 2020:新型コロナウイルスへの対応について】



DevOpsDays Tokyo実行委員一同としましては、ご来場いただく皆様の安全の確保と、 





【DevOpsDays Tokyo 2020: COVID-9 Measures】 

We are very disappointed to let you know that DevOpsDays Tokyo has been cancelled.

This event meant a lot to so many of us, and the organizing committee didn't take the decision lightly. We all struggled greatly with deciding how to proceed, but since nearly all March events in Japan have already been cancelled, and many other April events are starting to cancel, we were not confident that we could host a safe event in this atmosphere.  

Safety is obviously very important, but there is also a ton of anxiety about things not getting better soon (or getting worse). If nothing else, we hope this descision will ultimately relieve many speakers, attendees, sponsors, etc. from worrying about the safety of the event, feeling obligated to attend, etc. 

As far as refunds are concerned, please keep in mind that DevOpsDays Tokyo is a nonprofit organization, run by volunteers, and we do have a lot of financial obligations, including a sizable venue fee and prepaid travel for overseas speakers. We are seeking out financing options to ensure that we can meet all these obligations, and sponsor and ticket refunds. 

Please stay tuned, we'll contact everyone about it soon. 

In any case, the show will go on next year, and we really hope you'll be able to join us then. DevOps and modern software development are very so important to introduce to Japan, and we aren't giving up on that mission.


DevOpsDays は世界中で開催されているカンファレンスです。




DevOpsDays Tokyo is a local conference to share technology trends, case studies, and knowledge from IT professionals who have been working to improve their product and processes through DevOps practices, both in Japan and abroad.

With content in both Japanese and English, our community strives to improve processes and outcomes by not only bridging the gap between Dev and Ops, but between Japanese and western IT cultures.

Although Japanese will be the primary language of the conference, about half of the talks will be in English (with simultaneous translation to Japanese available).

Language / 言語


Although Japanese will be the primary language of the conference, about half of the talks will be in English (with simultaneous translation to Japanese available).

Sponsors / スポンサー

[Gold Sponsors]
ウルシステムズ / Ulsystems
マイクロソフト / Microsoft
サークルCI / CircleCI

[Silver Sponsors]
ITプレナーズジャパン・アジアパシフィック / ITpreneurs Japan/Asia Pacific Inc.
クリエーションライン / Creationline
イネド・ジャパン / Inedo Japan
ラック / Lac
豆蔵 / Mamezou
楽天 / Rakuten
Splunk / Splunk

[Bronze sponsors]
カオナビ / Kaonavi

finished 1,648 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

20 Aug 2019

Call closes at 3:00 PM

22 Jan 2020

Call closes in Tokyo Standard Time (UTC+09:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Call for Speakers 登壇者の募集


We’re looking for a mix of technical and cultural talks that relate to the central conference themes.

Deadline for posting: Dec 31th 3PM (JST: UTC+9)

投稿の締切: 12月31日午後3時 (日本時間)

Session Type / セッション・タイプ



There are two types of sessions planned:

Regular talk; these will be either full- (45 minute) or half-length (20 minutes) talks.

Language / 言語



Although Japanese will be the primary language of the conference, we’re striving for about half of the talks to be in English (with simultaneous translation to Japanese available).

If you’re planning on submitting an English talk, please note that it will be very important to prepare the slides well in advance, so that we can prepare for simultaneous translation. While you won’t be required to speak or understand Japanese, please note your Japanese language-level.

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
151 submissions
Submitted sessions
Sam Guckenheimer
  • DevOps at Microsoft: Moving 100,000 Engineers to DevOps on the Public Cloud
Kazuho Shibutani
  • エンタープライズ環境にGitOpsを導入して設計書と本番環境の乖離をなくしてみた話
Vaibhav Srivastav
  • Building large scale out-of-core ML pipelines
  • From Research to Production ML with Tensorflow Serving
  • Lightning fast, fault-tolerant and portable data pipelines with Apache Beam
  • Building Composable, Portable & Scalable ML pipelines with Kubeflow
原口 猛
  • バイモーダル流!モダンな開発インフラ導入とこれまでの歩み
Anton Babenko
  • How to build, scale, and maintain 20 public Terraform modules with over 7 million provisions
  • Hacking Terraform for fun and profit
  • Design, Draw, Deploy your AWS infrastructure from inception to production
  • From Zero to Hero With Terraform, AWS and Friends
Kosuke Kamiya
  • より良い技術サポートを受けるために / How to get better technical support experience
sam huang
  • Continuous Learning from Postmortem & Retrospective Meeting
Arun Singh
  • Event Driven Automation to enhance customer experience
  • Event Driven Automation to enhance customer experience
  • Event Driven Automation to enhance customer experience
Michael Godeck
  • The KMM as the Breakout Maturity Model
  • A Playbook to get from here to there: the Kanban Maturity Model
  • Continuous Delivery as Agile Successor
Atthaporn Thanongkiatisak
  • GitOps: Maximizing team performance
show all submissions
Jayne Groll
  • New Decade, New Skills: Upskilling the Humans of DevOps
Smit Kotadiya
  • Inspector Clouseau – Travelling to Asia
Uli Hitzel
  • APIs: The Glue in your DevOps Strategy
彰範 河野
  • How to get DevOps into the organization with Conservatives
裕晃 山下
  • 創業3年のベンチャーの限られたリソースで 10倍規模の開発体制に耐えられるCI/CD体制の確立を目指した取組み
Chia Chia Chiang
  • What’s your reason for DevOps ?
Xuefeng Shi
  • Three degrees of revolution - A enterprise continuous delivery platform powered by Jenkins
Forest Jing
  • Different DevOps-Trustworthy Software Engineering Capability
Cameron Townshend
  • Application Security Breaches
Hiroyuki Takahashi
  • Machine Learning for Cyber Security - Under the Hood
Jan de Vries
  • Becoming antifragile is more important than ever in disruptive times
  • Cloud Native DevOps時代のチーム開発手法
Garima Bajpai
  • Preconditioning trust for software factories – Reliability, Governance & DevOps
Junji Obuchi
  • 2030年のDevOpsはどうなっているのか? What is going on in DevOps in 2030?
Jensen Hussey
  • オール・ユー・ニード・イズ・JavaScript
Jay Kim
  • Advanced Terraform
Augustin Lu
  • How does the simulation help digital transformation?
  • DevOps in machine learning - trials and practices
Woohyeok Kim
  • Roll your Product with Kaizen Culture : Let's 'Tech' the initiative
Earou Huang
  • A Relatively Painless Guide, Migrating An Existing Service to Serverless on AWS
  • Slow Down!! And Identify Your Bottlenecks in Ops
Joel Lord
  • Hands-on Intro to Kubernetes (and OpenShift) for Developers
  • Kubernetes Hell’s Kitchen
Zach Brown
  • True Stories of Transformation in Japan: how to succeed and how to fail
Taku Hasegawa
  • ラポール、信頼関係は組織を越える
Sarjeel Yusuf
  • Achieving True DevOps Automation and Reliability with Serverless
  • Looking Beyond FaaS with Serverless CaaS Services
  • A Healthy DevOps Culture for A Successful GitOps Practice
  • The Right Way to Cloud Compute: Lessons Learnt at Opsgenie
  • Reviving Agile with Incident Management and Observability in the Cloud
  • Tackling Dreaded .Net Cold Starts When Going Serverless
Jeff Hackert
  • Effective Communication for DevOps Teams
James Hunter
  • DevOps, Chapter 2
  • DevOps projects that might surprise you
  • The DevOps journey to becoming a cognitive enterprise
Jorge Luis Castro Toribio
  • The Five Ideals in the age of data: A gamification workshop inspired by Unicorn Project
  • Building DevOps Ways of Working at large Enterprise through learning, collaboration and Gamification
Tom Tsai
  • Mastering IaC the DevOps Way
Dheeraj Nayal
  • Rise & Dawn of DevOps roles in 2020
  • The curious case of DevOps Engineers in 2020
Fabian Basciani
  • Why automating your manual testing is a bad strategy
Marco De Sanctis
  • Run a real-world microservices architecture in Azure Kubernetes Service and survive production
  • Bring your ASP.NET Core solutions to Kubernetes in Azure
  • Integrate containers and Kubernetes into your Azure DevOps build and release model
Peter Thomas
  • Full-Stack Distributed Test-Automation at Scale - with Karate
Kenzie Woodbridge
  • Long-term Documentation Maintenance: Critically Necessary, Deeply Underappreciated
  • Everyone's a player (in a mid-90s MUD)
Carlos Arilla Navarro
  • Kubernetes, the sky is not the limit
Nataliya Remez
  • Cultural aspects of DevOps transformation
Aswathy Nair, Amar Singh Tanwar
  • gRPC in Microservices - Testing unravelled
Shakti Sikha
  • Postgres In a world of Docker Containers
Adrienne Braganza Tacke
  • Up and Running With Azure DevOps
Ram Mohan Rao Chukka
  • Scriptway - Version control for your scripts
  • Fasten your Seatbelts ! Deployment Automation using Dockers and Ansible
Rafal Leszko
  • Architectural Caching Patterns for Kubernetes
  • 5 Levels of High Availability: from Multi-instance to Hybrid Cloud
  • Where is my cache? Architectural patterns for caching microservices
Mohammed Aboullaite
  • What the hell is service mesh anyway !?
  • Faster Development workflow with Containers
  • Containers & Java: What I wish I had been told
T. Alexander Lystad
  • Facilitating DevOps in Public Cloud across 60 autonomous teams
  • Scaling security in a DevOps environment
Ayokunle Olowoniwa
  • CYBERSECURITY!, The good, the bad, and the hacked
Ricardo Castro
  • Building a scalable logging platform
  • KDD: Kubernetes Driven Development
  • What the Service Mesh?!
Kris Buytaert
  • How could you even for get ops ?
  • 10 years of #devops , but what did we really learn ?
  • The History of Devops
Martin Hinshelwood
  • Who goes to prison when quality suffers?
  • Agile Evolution: An Enterprise transformation that shows that you can too
  • Exploring "Done" and what it really means
  • Story Points and Velocity are a sign of an immature team.
  • The Tyranny of Taylorism and how to spot agile lies.
Mike Preston
  • Learning to learn - tricking your brain to learn better
Russell Kaehler
  • Growing Pains: going from an operations focused team to an all development team
Anush Arvind
  • Migrate from a redis server to another without slaveof support; with zero downtime
  • Live Data Center migration to a new region
Pranjal Deo
  • Engineering Reliable Mobile Applications
  • Blameless Postmortem Culture
Devlin Duldulao
  • Automating your infrastructure deployments in the Cloud with Terraform and Azure Pipelines
  • Getting Started with Mobile DevOps
Shodipo Ayomide
  • Securing Serverless Applications using Azure
Junichi Kaku
  • freeeで初めての開発フロー改善専門チームの立ち上げとそれによる成果
Aaron Jensen
  • The Enterprise Automation Journey
Petar Radosavljevic
  • Infrastructure-level solutions for modern Microservices
  • Serverless or Containers? No, no, both!
Mofizur Rahman
  • Get up and running on Openshift
  • Kubernetes Security Jumpstart
  • Knative: Serverless Workload on Kubernetes
  • Managing Kubernetes with Istio
  • Kubernetes The Second Week
  • How Does Kubernetes Scheduler Work?
Marius Zaharia
  • Private DNS in complex Azure environments with Azure DNS
  • Onboarding a Historical Company on the Cloud Journey, or from Experimentation to Success
  • Multi-tenant Identity and Azure Resource Governance with Azure Active Directory
  • Modern Architecture in the Cloud of 2020
Wilkins Ortiz
  • Painless Deployment with Convox
Dennis Stepp
  • Hypothesis Driven Development
  • Impress Your Boss by Sitting on Your Ass
  • Slurm: Toxic Company Cultures and How to Survive Them
Serhat Can
  • Managing incidents in microservices
  • How to build a healthy on-call culture
Sam Vanhoutte
  • How Azure IoT Edge can Help You Build a Solid IoT Solution
  • From poll to push. Simplify Building Event Driven Architectures with Azure Event Grid.
  • Real Time analytics with Azure IoT and Databricks
Aaron Ralls
  • Azure Security Tips for Demoware
  • Security Simplified with IdentityServer4
Davide Benvegnu
  • DevOps for Serverless with Azure DevOps
  • Enterprise Grade CI/CD for GitHub
  • How Microsoft does DevOps
Bernd Erk
  • How Convenience Is Killing Open Standards
Giacomo Bagnoli
  • Lessons learned from monitoring a large production network
Keith Hoodlet
  • Tilting at Waterfalls: leading the charge into Agile
  • Security is a Feature (and how to make it part of your DevOps culture)
Eng Teong Cheah
  • Security in OSS DevOps
  • Security In CI/CD
Adam Bowen
  • My Code My Environment And Yes My Data Empowering The Developer With Data
Dr. Joe Perez
  • Cultivating a Climate for Paradigm Shift
  • Making Data Actionable: From Concept to Visualization
David Nguyen
  • Beyond Create-React-App, how to bespoke your SPA for the enterprise.
  • Bring to life
JJ Asghar
  • Developing Applications with Kubernetes
  • Cloud Native Application Development with Kubernetes and OpenShift
Matty Stratton
  • Blameless Postmortems - How To Actually Do Them
  • Don't Panic! Effective Incident Response
  • Fight, Flight, or Freeze — Releasing Organizational Trauma
Jody Dorchester
  • Devops from the Operations side of the wall
Baruch Sadogursky
  • #DataDrivenDevops
  • DevOps Patterns and Antipatterns for Continuous Software Updates
Jez Humble
  • Keynote from Jez Humble