Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 679 days ago

DevOpsDays Zurich 2023

event starts

3 May 2023

event ends

4 May 2023


Alte Kaserne, Technikumstrasse 8 Winterthur, Switzerland


DevOpsDays Zurich is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners, and part of the worldwide community of DevOpsDays events.
It brings together leaders in Software Development, IT Operations, QA, InfoSec, and IT Management to collaborate and learn from each other. It is both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes, and structure within organizations.
We encourage people with technology and business background to attend, learn and share experiences.

The 2023 event will be the sixth time we have DevOpsDays in Zurich/Winterthur. On May 3rd and 4th 2023 we expect 250 people to join us in the Alte Kaserne in Winterthur. Winterthur is located only 20 minutes by train from Zurich Central Station and 15 minutes from Zurich Airport.

DevOpsDays Zurich is a single track, english language conference with various formats:

  • 25min talks + 5 mins Q&A (full audience)
  • 5min Ignite talk (20 slides, auto-forwarding)
  • Open Spaces (self-organized during conference)
  • Workshop (hands-on sessions in a classroom setting

In summary, each day will consist of a mix of talks, ignites, open spaces, and workshops. There will be an evening party for all participants scheduled for the evening of May 3rd. A great opportunity for networking, mingling and having a good time.

finished 771 days ago
Call for Proposals
Call opens at 1:00 AM

01 Nov 2022

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Jan 2023

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Thank you for considering a submission for DevOpsDays Zurich 2023.
Submit as many proposals as you like. We're looking for these formats

  • 25min talks + 5 mins Q&A (full audience)
  • 5min Ignite talks (20 slides, auto-forwarding, full audience)
  • Workshops (hands-on sessions in a classroom setting, limited audience)

on various topics realted to the DevOps idea. This could be (but is not limited to):

  • Software Development
  • Operations
  • Information Security
  • Quality Assurance
  • Cultural Change
  • Tools
  • Experience Reports
  • Monitoring/Observability
  • People Management
  • IT Service Management
  • Agile
  • DevOps at scale
  • ...oh, yes sure, also Kubernetes ;-)

Our criteria for selection include (but are not limited to):

  • Original content (content not yet presented at other conferences)
  • New presenters (people who are new to the space and have insightful stuff to say)
  • No vendor pitches (but why not promote your stuff at a sponsoring booth on the event?)

event fee

free for speakers