Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 2,351 days ago

DevOpsDays KC 2018

event starts

17 Oct 2018

event ends

18 Oct 2018


Plexpod Westport Commons Kansas City, Missouri, United States

DevOpsDays KC will be held in Downtown Kansas City, MO at the Plexpod Westport Commons on October 17th and 18th 2018.

If you’re out-of-town and would like to submit a talk, great! If you’re talk is selected and will need lodging, we will try our best to fund a portion (if not all) of your travel and lodging needs.

  • More information on the event can be found at:
  • Follow on twitter for information about the event:
  • Contact the organizers at:
finished 2,470 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 6:20 PM

20 Mar 2018

Call closes at 12:02 PM

20 Jun 2018

Call closes in Central Daylight Time (UTC-05:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

The Call for Speakers is your chance to be a more active part in the conference, and place your mark on the DevOps community. We encourage a wide range of original material, with a focus on new presenters.

What we are looking for:

Types of accepted proposals:

  • Ignites: 5 minute, auto forwarding talk
  • Session: A 30 minute talk on topic of your choice, with some time for questions.
  • Workshop: A 60 to 120 minute interactive workshop where you are teaching a group how to do something.

General Guidelines:

  • Be concise.
  • Add as much detail as you can.
  • Multiple entries are welcome.
  • Attempt to not give details to who you are, we prefer to judge based on content.
  • All presentations must conform to the code of conduct.
  • Preferably submit via this web app, however we also will accept submissions by email:


This is what we would like to know. Do you have an answer?

  • The DevOps movement has been around for a few years now: Did anyone find out if it really helped your organization? Are there numbers for this?
  • Did the culture of DevOps spread to other parts of your company? If not, why?
  • Is DevOps the magic silver bullet which solved all your problems? What are the problems it didn’t solve (although you thought it would)?
  • Were there unexpected problems during your cultural change into DevOps?
  • Did the required skill-set of people change after starting to do things DevOps-Style?
  • Did people leave because you “went DevOps”? Was this good or bad or both?
  • Have there been technical changes after the culture in your team changed?
  • Did the change affect the business/sales/marketing side?
  • And of course: Has DevOps affected you personally? How do you feel about the change it brought to your work?

The “classic” DevOps questions are of course not fully answered, either…

  • What is the role of QA/Tester in DevOps, how do we integrate QA in the continuous delivery process
  • The impact DevOps has on traditional security/auditing/change control
  • Building dashboards because #monitoringsucks
  • The impact of DevOps on HR policies, and the hiring process
  • Help prove that DevOps can scale beyond the 5-8 person web startups, we love traditional IT enterprise cases
  • With all the automation, data is still a hard thing to handle, how does it affect DBA’s, backup strategies, …

If you’d like some more specific topic examples…

  • How about release management.
  • Integrating security into the DevOps conversation
  • How to handle budgets for DevOps initiatives
  • DevOps and Working Remotely
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Having DevOps make #monitoringsucks less



We encourage new and seasoned speakers. If you’re interested in working with a mentor to develop an idea into a session or ignite, please reach out via or on Slack at We will do our best to provide options for mentorship pairing. At the very least we’ll do our best to provide mentorship ourselves. :)

Travel Assistance

Please let us know if you need assistance with travel costs including hotel, flight, and parking. This will not affect our decision-making one way or the other, but is good to know as we finalize our budget.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers