Call for Speakers

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finished 1,727 days ago

DevOpsDays Portugal 2020

event starts

1 Jun 2020

event ends

2 Jun 2020


Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto Porto, Portugal

DevOpsDays Portugal 2020 is powered by the DevOps Lisbon, DevOps Porto and DevOps Braga communities, the three main meetup groups dedicated to DevOps in Portugal. The event will follow the DevOpsDays structure used in most cities throughout the world. This will be the second DevOpsDays organized in Portugal and will be hosted in the growing tech-hub city of Porto.

This year, we are looking to see how teams are pushing the DevOps mindset to the next level. We will focus on real world experience reports from diverse organizations in Portugal and abroad, aiming to cover experiments and results that go beyond what can be considered the status quo. Covered topics will include Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing (CALMS), and others.

Each day will feature a combination of selected talks (30 minutes long), ignite talks (5 minutes long), and open space (group discussions). The talks will be presented in a single track while the open space discussions will happen in parallel (according to the topics suggested by the audience).

The selected speakers will likely include local speakers as well as foreign speakers. The goal is to strengthen and promote the local community/reality and at the same time learn from international experiences. A special attention will be given to diversity and newcomers. We value new and diverse points of view.

For this event, we are considering all talks and ignites to be in english.

finished 1,814 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

28 Nov 2019

Call closes at 11:59 PM

06 Mar 2020

Call closes in GMT Standard Time (UTC+00:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Our interest this year is for talks focused on real world experience reports from diverse organizations in Portugal and abroad. We want to explore the “why?” and the “how?” of organizational transformations and the techniques employed to the changes in organizations, both large and small. We want to emphasise potentially new techniques that are aiding teams and orgs to succeed in building and delivering software.  Failure reports are also welcome, since there is so much to learn from that.

Covered topics will include Culture, Automation, Lean, Measurement, and Sharing (CALMS), and others.

Here are some ideas that could fit into that perspective:

  • How you are leveraging AI and ML in your build pipeline and deployment process
  • How you are adopting new infrastructure architectures that enhance the deployability and deployment frequency of applications
  • What enhancements have you found to Developer Experience (DevEx), Operator Experience (OEx), Customer Experience (CustEx) and other interaction enhancements that have given your team or organization better results.
  • What new research or strategies have you adopted to change you team or organization's culture in a move towards the DevOps mindset

For talks, these should be deliverable in 30 minutes; for Ignites, they should be focused as described on the Ignites format page and limited to 5 minutes. 

Submission and analysis is anonymous, so that we can remove as much bias as possible from the analysis process.

For this event, we are considering all talks and ignites to be in english.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

We expect to offer assistance based on what we raise from sponsors, which would be travel and accomodation where required. Speakers for the selected talks and ignites will have free entry to both days of the event; Pre-conf dry runs are also possible.