Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 280 days ago

DevOpsHeroes 2023

event date

21 Oct 2023


Viale G.P. Usberti c/o Campus Università degli Studi di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze, 181/a Parma, Italy

Sabato 21 Ottobre 2023 gli IT Professional, gli Sviluppatori ed i Project Manager di tutta Italia si riuniranno per una giornata di approfondimenti tecnici sull’argomento DevOps. Le iscrizioni sono aperte e la partecipazione è gratuita. L’evento è organizzato da Engage Labs S.r.l. e, ed ospiterà speaker di caratura internazionale. 

Durata Talk: 60 minuti

Non dimenticate lo hashtag #DOH23.


On Saturday October 21,  2023 IT Professionals, Developers and Project Managers across Italy will meet for a day of in-depth discussions about their experiences in adopting DevOps practices. Registration is open and participation is free. The event is organized by Engage Labs S.r.l. and, and will host international level speakers.

Talk length: 60 minutes

Don't forget the hashtag #DOH23.

finished 360 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 9:00 AM

02 May 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

01 Aug 2023

Call closes in W. Europe Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

DevOps Heroes è la conferenza dove gli IT Professional, gli Sviluppatori ed i Project Manager di tutta Italia si riuniscono per una giornata di approfondimenti sull'argomento DevOps.

attendiamo le vostre proposte per parlare di:

Methodologies – Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Configuration Management, test automatici e Deployment.
Technologies – da argomenti come virtualizzazione, containerization e Cloud Computing a tecnologie di tutti i giorni come Docker, Kubernetes e Ansible.
Experience – Esempi di sfide che sono state superate grazie all adozione di una tecnologia o metodo particolare o grazie ad un cambiamento culturale in azienda.

L’evento è organizzato da Engage Labs S.r.l. e

Durata Talk: 60 minuti

Non dimenticate lo hashtag #DOH23.

le spese di viaggio, vitto e alloggio non prevedono rimborso

DevOps Heroes is the conference where IT Professionals, Developers, and Project Managers across Italy meet for a day of in-depth discussions about their experiences in adopting DevOps practices

we look forward for your proposals to talk about

Methodologies – Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Configuration Management, Test Automation, and Deployment.
Technologies – from things like virtualization containerization and Cloud Computing to everyday technologies like Docker, Kubernetes and Ansible.
Experience – Examples of challenges that have been overcome thanks to the adoption of a particular technology or method or thanks to a cultural change in the company.

The event is organized by Engage Labs S.r.l. and

Talk length: 60 minuti

Don't forget the hashtag #DOH23.

Travel expenses, food and accommodation are not covered

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
72 submissions
Submitted sessions
Davide Piccinini
  • Fondamenti di DevOps
Gabriele Mendi
  • Utilizzare un Actor Model e gRPC in uno scenario di comunicazione ad alta velocità
Alessandro Franceschi
  • DevOps: Evoluzione della specie
Antonio Liccardi
  • Optimize performance with Azure Load Testing
  • GitHub Copilot: say hi to the next generation of developers!
Stefano Tucci
  • DevOps for Anaconda Data Scientist
Antonio Pierascenzi, Ariona Shashaj
  • Distribuzione agile con Azure Devop, Jenkins, Kubernetes e progettazione tramite IA Generativa.
Matteo Tumiati
  • Securing GitHub Workflows
Marcel Dias
  • ArgoCD self-managed and k8s cluster bootstrap 100% from code
Emanuele Garofalo
  • No load test?! No party!
Vladislav Bilay
  • Cloud-Native DevOps: Kubernetes in Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Environments
  • Implementing CI/CD Pipelines with Jenkins and AWS
show all submissions
Francesco Bianco
  • Lo straordinario mondo dei Makefile
Andrea Ceroni
  • Pulumi Docker Provider deep dive
  • Pulumi Azure Native 2.0
Adrian Todorov
  • Preventing secret leaks from CI/CD pipelines
  • Nested Orchestrator Anti-pattern
Luca Milan
  • DevOps potenziato dall'IA: Ottimizza l'efficienza con suggerimenti intelligenti
Marco Obinu
  • Defender for Cloud e DevOps: mettiamo in sicurezza il nostro ambiente
  • Terraform o Bicep? Quale strumento per i deployment su Azure?
Marcelo Sousa
  • Fluid pull requests: a new way to safely change code faster
Megha Kadur
  • GitOps: The next Frontier in DevOps!
Alessandro Alpi, Michele Ferracin
  • L'orchestrazione a servizio dell'impresa
Matteo Emili
  • "Ma non é roba mia!" - Gestire dipendenze, qualitá e sicurezza in un team moderno
  • Easy feature flags with Azure App Configuration
Dario Branca
  • Azure Devops: Una dashboard grafana per far performare 100 dev
Gian Maria Ricci
  • Secrets in Git repositories
  • Nuget to the max con l'indicizzazione dei simboli.
Michela Bertaina
  • Grow and improve your team through feedback and effective communication
  • Develop a Second Brain
Gianni Bortolo Bossini
  • Creare applicazioni REALI con Microsoft Orleans
Piotr Trębacz
  • Power Docker
Alessandro Alpi
  • Agile@school - un piccolo framework per le scuole superiori
Aman Sharma
  • The Startup DevOps Playbook - Making It A Success From Day One
  • Lean DevOps: Harnessing the Power of NoCode for Cost-Effective Operations
Mesut Durukal
  • How to boost Test Implementation Speed by 10x?
  • The Future is Today: Leveraging AI in Software Testing
Giuliano Latini
  • Microsoft Graph PowerShell, gestire vecchi problemi con una mentalità nuova
  • Docker vs. Rancher: the good, ugly, and bad of tools; a next year after.
Yedidya Schwartz
  • Building Resilience: A Journey of Crafting and Validating Our Disaster Recovery Plan
  • Accelerating Load Times: A Materialized View and Server-side Composition Case Study
Jean-Yves Klein, Matthieu Lecoupeau
  • Lego4DevOps
Lorenzo Barbieri, Daniela Tomoiaga
  • Fortify your DevOps security
Ram Mohan Rao Chukka
  • Who broke the build? — Using Kuttl to improve E2E testing and release faster
Tsahi Duek
  • Kubernetes Deployment and Management: From Platform to API
Joseph Katsioloudes
  • Human vs AI: How to ship secure code
Marco Ippolito
  • OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities in Node.js
  • The Unsung Heroes of Open Source Security
Sameer Paradkar
  • DevSecOps - Defined, Explained & Explored
Nicolas Fränkel
  • Back to basics, getting traffic into your Kubernetes cluster
Sarjeel Yusuf
  • Automation Best Practices for SRE and Security: Insights from Building a Workflow Automation Product
Dmitry Romanoff
  • Managed Databases in Clouds [ AWS, GCP, Azure ] at a high scale.
  • DevOps. Monitoring Databases. On-Premise and Cloud environments.
Daniel Raniz Raneland
  • Three-and-a-half Ways of Testing your Repositories
  • Putting the Code in Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi
Ewald Verhoeven
  • Reviving Legacy Code with Test Automation: Strategies for a Pragmatic Rescue Mission
  • Turning DevOops into DevOps
Lars Bendix
  • Revisiting Software Bill of Materials (SBoM)
Ayesha Kaleem
  • Exploring the Power of eBPF
Massimo Bonanni
  • La [sottile] arte di testare le Durable Functions!!
  • Costruire pipeline DevOps sicure ed efficienti con GitHub Actions
SKi Sankhe
  • Don't Get Caught in the Open: Safeguarding Your Open Source Contributions
Alessandro Melchiori
  • Microservices tips&tricks con .net e DAPR
  • Serverless CQRS in Azure
Fabio Cocchi
  • BDD: dai behavior al TDD
  • BDD, DDD & refactor??
Felice Pescatore
  • Intelligent Business Agility: l’Intelligenza Artificiale al servizio della Business Agility
Felice Pescatore, Simone Giovanelli
  • Da Progetto a Prodotto: il caso iSolutions
Grzegorz Sztandera
  • How to break down transition? Practical tips on the road to disaster.
  • DevOpsSup - Extended DevOps approach within one, competency-diverse team
Giulio Melloni, Marco Loffi
  • DevOps & Data: a versioning love story
Alberto Acerbis
  • Bounded Context is not Enough!