Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,546 days ago

DevRelCon Earth 2020 (formerly DevRelCon SF)

event starts

30 Jun 2020

event ends

30 Jul 2020



DevRelCon SF (because of COVID-19) is now DevRelCon Earth, an online event with talks and conversations on developer relations, developer experience, community management, developer marketing, and more.

DevRelCon Earth is an online series event on June 30, 2020 (Tuesday). This series will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from ~5:00 am PT - ~12:00 pm (noon) PT to include as much of a global audience as possible. The series will run for about 4 weeks and will include accepted speakers from DevRelCon SF, DevRelCon Tokyo, and new speakers accepted through this CFP.

We are (re-)opening the CFP to allow for more speakers to submit and be added to the global line-up. Speakers who have been accepted to DevRelCon SF and DevRelCon Tokyo before COVID-19 automatically will be included in the schedule. The deadline for the re-opened CFP is May 17, 2020 (Sunday). (Accepted speakers from the other 2 events will be contacted and scheduled into the DevRelCon Earth 2020 series.

There will be opportunities for sponsors to do product demos, product feedback sessions, and to have call-outs, hiring highlights, logo visibility, and potential visibility as MCs. If you’d like more information on these opportunities, please contact

finished 1,619 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

11 Jan 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

17 May 2020

Call closes in Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-07:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

This year our theme is around the two sides of metrics of dev rel: how do you measure developer relations and how do you measure developer productivity?

Because of COVID-19, we will also cover topics related to the effect of the pandemic on our lives and DevRel: eg. learning online event platforms, responsibilities shifting from traveling to creating online content, maintaining the health of open source communities when contributors have more important things to worry about, and (as we always do passionately) teach and help communities in times of need and possibly during financial and job insecurity.

Guidance on a successful submission:

1. Make sure to clarify the personal/professional experiences that you plan to share as part of your talk. This is a practitioners' conference where we want people to openly share their challenges, the solutions that they are testing, metrics, and results in progress. Make sure that if you are sharing advice (tips and tricks, pitfalls to avoid, etc.) that the advice is grounded in actual hands-on experience.

2. You don't have to be an expert or have completed your "experiment" to offer a valid talk. If you are in the process of trying out a new solution to a challenge, we welcome your sharing how things are going even if you feel that you don't have "final conclusions." As a practiioners' conference and a place of sharing experiences, we welcome your using your talk to solicit advice from the audience after the talk. 

3. Details! We thoroughly read all submissions, so the more detail the better. A 1-2 sentence submission that stays very high level will not have a strong chance of getting accepted. As mentioned above, please be clear about your planned topic, the problems you are helping to solve, your personal/professional experiences and use case of the challenge, what steps you've taken to solve it, and toward what metrics for success. 

You can use the "DESCRIPTION" section for the abstract that you would post publicly and use the "NOTES" section to add as much detail as possible: your specific use case/business model, your specific challenges/solutions in progress/ongoing questions, etc. 

At DevRelCon, we prioritize submissions that:

  • have applicable takeaways the audience can apply to their own work
  • are clear about the points that will be covered in the talk
  • show step by step the journey the talk will take the audience on.

Our talks are usually 15-20 minutes long depending on curation with other related talks and event time constraints.

event fee

free for speakers