Call for Presentations

Call for Presentations is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 332 days ago

Dutch PHP Conference 2024

event starts

12 Mar 2024

event ends

15 Mar 2024


Amsterdam, The Netherlands

The Dutch PHP Conference is an annual web technology conference around PHP technology.

In previous editions of DPC, we’ve invited each year more than 50 speakers from all around the world to share their expertise and experience with the 600+ attendees in a 3-day conference in Amsterdam. Ibuildings organizes this yearly conference with the goal to enable the PHP community to share insights, expertise and experiences in an open and inclusive environment. 

The conference is completely in English and is focused on mobile- and web development related to PHP technology.

Mark your calendar for Dutch PHP Conference March 12 to March 15, 2024!

finished 420 days ago
Call for Presentations
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Sep 2023

Call closes at 11:59 PM

17 Dec 2023

Call closes in W. Europe Standard Time (UTC+01:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Topics we are looking for

We’re looking for high-quality, technical and non-technical sessions from speakers who can cover advanced topics and keep our demanding audience inspired.

We’ve had great speakers presenting talks about the PHP ecosystem, frameworks, DevOps, architecture, JavaScript, scaling, testing, performance, security and more. And we would like to advance on these very topics for this year’s conference as well.

But we also would like to invite speakers to talk about non-technical subjects that are increasingly instrumental in maintaining success as a developer or development team. These are topics like communication, understanding, relationships, (self) management and even the business and economics part of development. In other words: the soft skills that complement the deep technical skills. And about the surrounding environment necessary to be successful as a technical developer.

This invitation is intentionally a bit broad in the hope to inspire everyone to share their ideas and insights and hard-fought experience in the broader development arena that we all thrive in.

The call for papers is open up to and including December 17th. You can send in as many proposals as you like, so start submitting your talks!

Talk categories

The standard conference sessions should be 45 minutes including Q&A.

Workshops should be half-day (3,5 hours including breaks) or full day (7 hours including breaks).

Keynote session should be 40 minutes and topics should be appealing to the majority of the audience.

Activity for conference social (e.g. Pub Quiz, group games).

Talk levels explained

The audience at DPC mainly consists of professional full-stack PHP developers. Some just started their professional career and others are seasoned professionals. Some are more front-end oriented, others prefer back-end development. Most, if not all, will use frameworks and are familiar with agile processes.

Beginner: meaning the audience does not have much experience with this specific topic.

Intermediate: meaning the audience has some knowledge of the topic and some real-life experience but has no in-depth knowledge.

Advanced: meaning the audience has lots of experience with this topic and wants to learn hidden features, advanced techniques, etc from an expert on the topic.

Tips for submission

Be sure your talk title and abstract define the exact topic you want to talk about, and what you hope people will learn from the session.

Include 3-4 bullet points of what the audience will learn.

Please keep talk titles short (max. 50 characters). This ensures the talk title fits the schedule format which is aimed at readability in print and on mobile).

If available, please include links to slides, reviews (on for example), and videos of the submitted talk.


  • All talks are in English.
  • Submitting more than one submission is strongly encouraged. The more submissions contributed, the more options we have to pick from, and the higher your chances are of being accepted as a speaker. We've set the limit at 5 so if you have a lot of ideas, submit the best 5.
  • Try to not include any hints to your identity in your abstracts. This helps us to make a good initial blind selection.
  • Make sure you care, and make sure we see you care. Typos, sloppy formatting and all-lowercase submissions make our reading of your proposal tedious. These things will definitely count against your proposal.
  • Don’t overdo it either. If you need more than two paragraphs to get to the point of your topic, we need to ask you to slim things down. With the amount of submissions we get, the quicker you can make a good impression, the better.
  • Original Topics. We favour original content. If you want to discuss a topic that you have talked about elsewhere, try to add a twist, or new research, or development, something unique. Of course, if your talk is plain awesome as-is, go for that.
  • We welcome presentations by multiple presenters, however do keep in mind that a talk by 2 international presenters will weigh double on our available travel budget, so we may often have to chose single speaker talks over multi-speaker talks.


If you get selected as a speaker at DPC, here’s what you get:

  • Travel to Amsterdam covered. We have a travel agent that will assist you booking your travel.
  • Entrance to the conference. 
  • Airport to hotel. We will arrange a transfer from the airport.
  • We cover your stay in Amsterdam in a hotel near the venue. For locals outside of driving distance we cover 1 night, for speakers outside the Netherlands 2 nights, and 3 nights for tutorial speakers. If you want to stay longer, we can arrange things, just let us know. You can pay for any additional nights via our travel agent.
  • If your employer can cover your travel and hotel, we are happy to list them as a sponsor. If speakers get sponsored by their employers, we can invite more international speakers to the conference.
  • There is a speaker’s dinner on Thursday night that you will be invited to and you are welcome at the Friday after party after the conference.


expenses covered


expenses covered

event fee

free for speakers

Number of nights depends on where speakers are traveling from.