Call for Speakers

Call for Speakers is closed. Submissions are no longer possible. Sorry.
finished 1,211 days ago

droidcon Online - Android Webinar Series

event starts

1 Jun 2021

event ends

4 Jun 2021


Online Berlin, Germany

droidcon Online is a series of bi-monthly online webinars which is divided into a series of events. Each series consists of multiple webinars to give you in-depth insights and hands-on learning experiences with experts. We are accepting talks related to each of these series. If you have other suggestions that you do fit into any of the series, please submit anyway and write a note in the submission and we will review and possibly add to the program. 

Jetpack Series

This series will examine a broad range of topics covering key architecture components like WorkManager, Lifecycle, ViewModel and Navigation and will also dive into key behavior components like Notifications, CameraX, Room and more. We’ll explore these in detail and provide tips and tricks to help you migrate to AndroidX. You might even see something on Compose as well.

Multi-platform Series

This series takes an in-depth look at developing multi-platform apps with Kotlin/Multiplatform and Flutter. In this multi-part series we will take a look at getting started with both Kotlin and Flutter and move to more advanced topics on libraries, tooling, testing, Firebase, CI/CD, powerful language features and more.

Advanced Kotlin Series

Our Kotlin series will cover a host of topics in building Android apps using Kotlin. Topics range from Testing and static analysis to Dependency Injection, Coroutines, Flow and more.

Hands-On & In-Depth Series

This series will provide a hands-on and in-depth look at topics such as tooling, Security, CI/CD, Testing, Design and more.

finished 1,518 days ago
Call for Speakers
Call opens at 12:00 AM

01 Apr 2020

Call closes at 11:59 PM

31 Jul 2020

Call closes in Romance Daylight Time (UTC+02:00) timezone.
Closing time in your timezone () is .

Please submit for a Session (30 min) or Lightning Talk (10 min)

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your talk. We cannot guarantee that if you follow these suggestions that your talk will be accepted, but you will have a much better chance:

1. Please ensure that your talk title and description match and that the title accurately reflects your topic

We all love a cute and catchy talk title with a nice play on words, but the program committee (and attendees for that matter) should be able to tell at a glance what topic your session will cover. We also ask that you be aware of our code of conduct when choosing your title. 

2. Define key takeaways and learning points

You will help the committee select your topic if you can explain what you hope audience members will learn. Please try and include three to five key points that make your talk stand out from others. (This is important because we often receive 4-5 submissions on the same topic.) The more concrete (and relevant) these learning points are to the audience/conference, the better.

3. What is your experience level with the topic?

You don’t have to be a level 12 Black Belt in Kotlin to get your talk accepted. The committee does, however, need to know what your experience level with the topics is. Is the app or technology you are working being deployed at scale? Is it a hobby or a side-project? What are your real-world experiences with the topic?

4. Have you given this talk before?

Please let us know if (and where) you have given this talk before. How was the talk received? How has it changed from the past? What new information can we expect?

Video Release Policy

All sessions will be recorded and shared on the droidcon global community platform at Video links will be sharable. We will integrate the transcripts of the videos so that these will be searchable on the community platform. Anyone can access the videos for free. By submitting your session over Sessionize you are agreeing to have us record your session and publish it on the global community platform. 

all submitted sessions

publicly listed on this page
130 submissions
Submitted sessions
Monika Kumar Jethani
  • Let's get that page with Paging 3
  • Unit testing made easy with Mockk
  • Secure your app's data with JetSec
Jayakumar Balasubramaniam
  • Flutter applications with Azure Cognitive service for enterprise applications
  • What do you prefer Flutter or Native apps?
  • Implementing GeoLocation tracking system in Flutter applications
  • Securely access .Net Core API from Flutter Mobile app
Piyush Maheswari
  • Navigation Components and where to find them
Nav Singh
  • Accessibility in Android world
Eury Pérez
  • Kotlin Coroutines: Threading Made Easy in Android
  • Write smarter code with Sealed Classes and Lambdas in Kotlin
Faisal Abid
  • Flutter for Android developers!
  • Machine Learning for Mobile developers
Bhavya | Fueled
  • Writing performant layouts
Darryn Campbell
  • Payment on Consumer Android: An Introduction
  • Indoor Locationing. It should be easy, right?
Bhavik Makwana
  • State management in flutter using Mobx
Juan Guillermo Gómez Torres, Sinuhé Jaime Valencia
  • Remove repetitive code with the annotation processor
show all submissions
Adrian Bunge
  • The Google / Huawei break up & how it affects your App
Harry Timothy
  • Reactive App Orchestration with StateFlow
  • Stateful Architecture with StateFlow
  • Introducing StateFlow Pattern
Baljeet Singh
  • Worker as a Foreground Service
Rody Davis
  • Building a Hybrid app with Flutter
Ubiratan Soares
  • Experiments for your Android builds driven by Gradle Profiler
Saurabh Arora
  • Takeaways from building a remote configurable homepage with nested RecyclerView
  • Scaling your workflows through static analysis tools
Sumith Damodaran
  • A deadly combination- flutter and Firebase, everything you need to know to get your app online fast
Jamie Adkins
  • Instant Apps in 2020
Alexey Glukharev
  • Server Driven UI
  • LiveData, Coroutines, and Flow. How we live for over two years without RxJava.
Michal Szczepanik
  • Flutter – the power of dev(tools)
Manuel Vivo
  • Hilt - Jetpack's recommended library for Dependency Injection
Guilherme Krzisch
  • How to implement custom lint checks in order to make your code more safe
  • Case study: How to convince your boss to migrate from Java to Kotlin?
  • Android new Results API and how to use it to make your code cleaner
Gabriel Samojło
  • Offline-first approach in mobile applications
Peter John Welcome
  • Building a DevOps pipeline with Bitrise
  • Developing Locally with the Firebase UI Emulator
Nav Singh
  • Support Face,Fingerprint, and iris using BiometricAPI
  • Let's make apps more accessible
Maryna Shaposhnikova
  • Mobile Platform Team. The pillars of Grab.
Tony Constantinides
  • Android Bluetooth LE programming with Kotlin Coroutines
Sylwester Madej
  • Hack your Android app before others will
sakis kaliakoudas
  • Crash-reporting for large Android teams
Moataz Nabil
  • Android UI Testing with Espresso and Visual Studio App Center
  • Run Android UI Tests with Bitrise and Firebase Test Lab
Jorge Rios
  • Making Mobile Apps Work Without Internet
Arnaud Giuliani
  • Riding the state flow
  • Hands-On Koin
  • Dependency injection from zero to hero with Koin
Jürgen Toth
  • Flutter apps with on device Machine Learning
Alex Zhukovich
  • Let's build Android UI with Jetpack Compose
  • Writing robust Android UI tests
Yev Kanivets
  • Great migration to SQLDelight
Seyed Jafari
  • Android meets Multiplatform
  • Up your DI skills
Márton Braun
  • Android Complexity
  • "Scripting" with Kotlin
  • Become a Pro in Android Studio
  • Tweaking LiveData
Sebastian Gallese, Tyler Pearson
  • A Wild In-App Rating Appears
Ahmed El-Helw
  • Seasoning your Android Dev with a pinch of Command Line
Lauren Yew
  • Threading Made Easy! A Busy Developer’s Guide to Kotlin Coroutines
Vinay Gaba
  • Learning Jetpack Compose By Example
Mariano Zorrilla
  • Flutter everywhere! (and responsive)
  • Flutter on Web: PWA, DartPad and CodePen
Carlos Mota
  • The Hitchhikers Guide Through Kotlin Multiplatform
Piotr Prus
  • Why Paging loves Room?
  • Get Swiped with Motion Layout
Yonatan (Yoni) Levin
  • Single Source of truth in the age of Jetpack
Andreas Andreas
  • My Dagger way
Suraj Shah
  • Collections vs Sequences: War of use-cases
  • Dissecting the inline keyword in Kotlin
David Greenhalgh
  • Intro to Channels and Flows
Roque Buarque
  • Building Kotlin DSL
Raul Hernandez Lopez
  • Fueled Reactive apps with Asynchronous Flow
Salih Guler
  • How to add Flutter to your existing app
  • Effective App Architecture and State Management in Flutter
  • How Flutter works under the hood
  • Animations in Flutter
Dominik Roszkowski
  • Flutter for desktop - what is it good for?
  • Efficient Internationalization of Flutter Apps
Jamie Lee
  • Network Requests for Android/iOS with Kotlin Multiplatform
Jovche M.
  • Refactoring Legacy Code
  • Outside-In TDD on Android
Ash Davies
  • Navigation and the Single Activity: Learnings from a Skeptic
  • Refactoring Legacy Code with Kotlin
  • Everything is an API
Dmitry Sitnikov
  • Kotlin scope and extension functions: when to use and how to improve not harm the readability
Kelvin Pere
  • Advanced Kotlin for Android Developer's
  • Room Architecture Android Components
Andrew Bailey
  • Falsehoods Android Developers Believe about Lifecycles
Yash Agarwal
  • Android JetPack Compose
Shady Selim
  • KMP what it is? And why should I learn about it!
  • Why Jetpack Compose!
Sukriti Chadha
  • Android charts for visually limited users
Attila Blénesi
  • Tensor Flow for Android Devs
Patxi Bocos, Ralph Pina
  • The experience of building a Gradle plugin that generates code
Rémon Helmond
  • Painless Flutter embedding in your existing app
Annyce Davis, Wesnie Marcelin
  • Landing Your Next Gig In Tech
Sumayyah Ahmed
  • Kotlin in the Cloud: Writing Kotlin Microservices with Micronaut
  • Coroutines and Retrofit in an Rx Land
  • When ViewModels Go to Die: Saving ViewModel State
  • Notifications and Nuances
Wisdom Nwokocha
  • The Power of Jetpack Compose
Andrei Shikov
  • The magic of compiler extensions
Divya Jain
  • WorkManager - Clever Delegate for deferrable background tasks
  • CameraX - the new powerful Jetpack library
Chandra Sekhar Nayak
  • Sneaking inside Kotlin features (Part II)
Akshay Chordiya
  • Go with the Flow
Nate Ebel
  • Kotlin First - Taking Full Advantage of Kotlin For Android Development
  • Android CI With GitHub Actions
Dinorah Tovar
  • Modern security for Android Developers
  • Doing more that simple animations: Motion Layout
Patxi Bocos
  • Road to Android UI tests
Enrico Grillo
  • git rm --cached .idea/?
Brian Gardner
  • Become a Composer
Fatih Giriş
  • Styling Views & Theming the App
  • Using Kotlin Flow in MVVM
Jason Pearson
  • Producton MotionLayout
  • MotionLayout & RecyclerView
  • Guided Animations with MotionLayout
Sweety Bertilla
  • Firebase MLkit - AI in Android town!!
Nursultan Rzabekov
  • Nursultan's session
Alexandr Pogrebnyak
  • Kotlin Multiplatform in Action (part 2): UI & logic shared between iOS & Android using only Kotlin
Marcos Placona
  • 🚀 Jetpacks for you and I 🚀
Nick DiPatri
  • 3D Printing for IoT Engineers
  • Get Ready to Duck: Coroutines with an Air Cannon
Hema sai charan Kothamasu
  • Testing and it's 3 shades of Flutter